2022-06-30 Product Council Meeting notes

2022-06-30 Product Council Meeting notes




Discussion items

5 minAnnouncements
  • New FOLIO Members: BSZ network, UB Darmstadt, UB Kassel, UB Frankfurt
  • Cornell has successfully completed a fiscal year-end roll-over.
  • Michigan State Univ, State Library of Michigan, and Carin University (Pennsylvania) are live on FOLIO. Five Colleges going live at the end of the day.
  • Hessian library network member libraries are going to be implementing FOLIO (2-3 year plan)
20 minProduct Council 2022-2023

Discuss officer roles and liaison roles for 2022-2023. Welcome to new PC member Alexis Manheim, who is joining Product Council. Thank you to Anya, who is leaving Product Council. Other representatives were re-elected. Newly elected (and re-elected) members have full 2-year terms.

For the next meeting, Jesse will write a summary of the co-chair role and Peter will write a summary of the secretary role. These will be sent out to Product Council, and next week we will make a selection of co-chair and secretary. Email Jesse and Kristen if you are interested in nominating yourself.

Liaison roles to SIGs have evolved over the years depending on the nature of the SIG and the liaison's interest.  This is a two-way communication role: that the SIG knows what is happening at the PC, and that the PC knows the relevant activities happening in the SIG. Jesse will check in with existing SIG conveners to see how the relationship is going and if a change is needed; he will bring back a list of SIGs in need of liaisons to the next Product Council meeting.

30 minWOLFcon agenda - PC sessions

The current schedule is here: https://wolfcon2022.sched.com/ please take a look and be ready to comment.

From the Foundation website:

WOLFcon 2022 will be an in-person event bringing together members of the Open Library Foundation’s project member communities as well as users of their products. Participants will attend presentations, community sharing conversations, workshops, and conduct business meetings.

Provide feedback on sessions and the schedule. The planning group meets weekly (on Friday at 8:30am Eastern U.S. time (Zoom), but probably not this Friday) and invites input to make sure the meetings are available and meaningful for everyone attending. SIG working meetings can be scheduled. If product owners are aware of need for working meetings, they are encouraged to work with SIG conveners.  (In past WOLFcon meetings, the product owners did make a more active role in planning working meetings. The next Product Owner meeting is next week; someone from the WOLFcon planning group can attend if needed.)

Discuss topics/agendas for PC-related meetings. This may change and evolve over time. The WOLFcon meetings are not like the weekly Product Council meetings; they tend to be more strategic in nature.

Wolfcon Planning Meeting:   Zoom URL for weekly Friday 8:30am /EST) meetings: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82563011022?pwd=dnBtSWpLeXdXOHg3T1F5ZlViZVRadz09 - maybe not this week due to absences

5 minFuture agenda topics

Review and approve scope/charge for Browser support

Celebration of accomplishments for the current fiscal year

Chat log

00:09:41	Harry:	Welcome Alexis!
00:10:02	Alexis Manheim:	thanks!
00:10:15	anya:	I have enjoyed my time on council - thank you very much to those that have supported me
00:18:25	Karen Newbery:	I would be happy to help with minutes - but I have a standing conflict once a month.
00:24:59	Brooks Travis:	I move for next week
00:25:07	Karen Newbery:	I'll be on vacation next week
00:25:14	Harry:	Next week
00:25:39	Brooks Travis:	So, Karen is chair?
00:25:42	Brooks Travis:	🙂
00:25:47	anya:	;)
00:38:50	Marc Johnson:	Has the meeting for session planning been shared with all of the POs and SIGs?
00:39:38	Charlotte Whitt:	No, I don’t think I have seen that invite (but I could have missed it)
00:39:59	Marc Johnson:	There are a bunch of challenges with developers being involved in WOLFCon, not least that the daily challenges with collaboration create a gap between those groups
00:40:37	Marc Johnson:	Maybe if we want POs and SIGs to raise meeting suggestions, we could share that request with the SIGs and POs directly?
00:44:49	Kirstin Kemner-Heek:	WOLFCon planning meeting: Zoom URL for weekly Friday 8:30am meetings: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82563011022?pwd=dnBtSWpLeXdXOHg3T1F5ZlViZVRadz09
00:46:18	Kirstin Kemner-Heek:	Zoom link is in the minutes as well.
00:48:25	Ian Walls:	is there a clearly stated goal as to an outcome for WolfCon? What do we want to see achieved by end?
00:52:13	Steph Buck:	From the Foundation website: WOLFcon 2022 will be an in-person event bringing together members of the Open Library Foundation’s project member communities as well as users of their products. Participants will attend presentations, community sharing conversations, workshops, and conduct business meetings.
00:52:23	Tod Olson:	++Anya
00:54:13	anya:	;)
00:54:59	Tod Olson:	I'll be there, not exactly a PC member.
00:55:07	Ian Walls:	^ ditto
00:55:11	Tiewei Liu:	Me too.
00:55:18	Charlotte Whitt:	I’ll be there too, and also not a PC member

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