2022-12-08 Product Council Meeting notes

2022-12-08 Product Council Meeting notes





Discussion items

5 minAnnouncementsAll

Julie Bickle needs to step down from the build visions group. Kristin will be talking with the group to see what the next steps are.

The call to join the prioritization and roadmap working group is ongoing; contact Jesse Koennecke if interested.

On the Slack team, the split of "#general' into "#general" and "#folio-general" is now complete.  All newcomers to Slack are added to "#general", "#folio-general", "#gokb-community", "#reshare-general" and "#random".  The "#general" channel is now announcements-only.

45 minSIG Updates: Put your comments here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1268qg6EoxMwgqnmQkgeUycZkZJQs-No4rJr5xizvamw/edit#  SIG representatives

See SIG updates after this table of discussion items.

PC Updates to the SIG:

  • BugFest for Nolana completed - thank you to the community for participation! Initial results were encouraging
    • Oleksandr Bashtynskyi taking on part of the QA role from Anton Emeliov
    • Full list of roles and responsibilities available via the wiki
  • Evaluation Process for New FOLIO Modules will be discussed at next week’s PC Meeting
  • Roadmap work to get underway, still looking for volunteers - would love SIG members
  • Work is underway (with other councils) to provide a more comprehensive onboarding process for new members
  • Cross Council meeting will be held in lieu of PC meeting on January 12
45 minSummary of SIG conversations and next steps: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dR5G5Tte3dGHWvpoI0ZTz8Vm8hnNC_dV/edit#slide=id.p1Kristin Martin 

See slides for background.

What makes a successful SIG? Roles within a SIG: Functional Experts, Convener, Product Owner, UX Designer (slide). In conversations with the SIGs, those that had all of these roles filled tended to be more successful. UX design work has grown more cross-functional (especially in the cross-app functionality group). Also good communication between the PC and the SIG. Those that had active product owners with enough time to understand the issues the SIGs were bringing up were also successful.

SIG challenges: development resources remained constant or decreased. SIGs with decreased development resources are struggling the most.  Too many product owners mean the work gets divided, resulting in fragmented development. Lack of key resources causes frustration in the SIGs.

Historical resourcing patterns (slide).

Results: frustration in SIGs about lack of resources and not understanding why there are no resources; uneven development across FOLIO; confusion and frustration among SIG members (slide).

Improving the roadmap process (slide).

Action items for PC: Communication between PC and SIGs, especially from the PC to SIGs about the project as a whole (and understanding what the PC does); provide more structure for the SIG updates; share priorities across the project. The slide has some SIG-specific follow-ups for Reporting SIG, Consortia SIG, Implementers Group and Support SIG.

Action items for the project (slide): desire for more project updates; miss aspects of the FOLIO Forums and Sprint Reviews; better understanding of resourcing availability (both "community" and "private"); better transparency around how resourcing decisions are made by companies engaged with FOLIO and expectations of libraries; need good test data and sample data for development and testing; contributions to core development and resources from the FOLIO community—asking for this hasn't made it happen; and reconsider the "silence is content" model of decision-making.

5 minUpcoming agenda itemsAllDec 15: Module review process (moved from Dec. 8)

SIG Convener Updates

Metadata Management (Felix Hemme and Raegan Wiechert)

Small improvements to items listed in the “Actions” button in Inventory, e.g. add/remove subheadings to make items more consistent.

Owen presented on Serials management development work, funded by GBV and Duku. Hoping for feedback on use of volume, enum, chron etc. in Inventory in order to better understand connections between these fields and fields in the Receiving app. Discussion will continue in Slack.

PO updates:

  • Ann-Marie gave the Nolana PO update on Data Import plus an Orchid preview. 
  • Khalilah gave an update on MARC authorities and quickMARC
  • Magda gave an update on Bulk edit

Session about pushing records into FOLIO, where members demoed the interface with OCLC Connexion (web and client)

Consortia (Noah Brubaker)

  • The consortia SIG has recently been focusing on two feature lists to gain input from the group.  One is a document describing a consortial admin tool and the features associated with that.  The other is a document containing existing JIRA tickets, which the group is taking time to review, update, and amend with recent input.  Some JIRA tickets have been submitted but not reviewed in quite some time, the group is adding additional comments for clarification and determining what aspects of the existing JIRA tickets need more focus.

SysOps (Ingolf Kuss)

Topics of discussion in the past 4 weeks were:

Implementers (Ian Walls)

Ian is stepping down at the end of the year, and Tara Barnett has agreed to take over as facilitator.

Otherwise reviewing what we’ve done this year, and what we’re looking to accomplish in the next.  Scheduled ‘special topic’ sessions should continue, as well as coordination with Data Migration group for new and currently implementing library support.  Looking to be the friendly, “there are no dumb questions” place for folks to get help and referrals.

User Management (Maura Byrne)

We began defining use cases for teams, originally brought up UXPROD-3680.

App Interaction (Martina Schildt)

App Interaction changed from a private to an open Slack channel and from small meetings to open meetings.

New Slack channel: #appinteraction_crossapp

Meeting information continues to be available via the Wiki: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/AppInt/App+Interaction+SIG+Home. Please feel free to join or contact Martina Schildt for further details.

Our main topics in the past weeks:

  • Continuation on UX patterns for common cross app tasks
    • A small group will look at concrete expectations for different use cases
    • Not yet started, all interested can contact Martina Schildt 
  • We talked about workflow solutions in use and started with a presentation by Jeremy Huff and Sebastian Hammer on an external 'workflow' solution for cross-app interactions at TAMU 
    • Further demos are planned

Acquisitions (Dung-Lan Chen)

Highlights of what’s happening in Acq SIG since the last PC SIG updates -

  • Owen presented “Serials Management in FOLIO” in ACQ SIG on 11/18 with a great turnout (twice as many participants we normally have in our Zoom calls, close to 60 attendees?!) and had lively discussions.  We ran out of time (as usual), so the plan was to have Owen post the questions he was looking to get answers and we’ll find another time to continue the discussions/conversations with additional feedback people provided in the meantime
  • Dennis presented some mockups of Order History functionalities based on feedback that are being developed and wanted to show them & see what people think.  The overall reaction was mostly WOW!! … impressive and need time to soak it in
  • We discussed how long after an exporting orders via EDIFACT that people would generally need to download that exact EDIFACT file.  The service/technology used in developing this function currently has a 7-day limit for allowing download an exported EDIFACT order file
  • The last three meetings focused on Implementers Topics list and have gone thru #55 - #66 on the list (except #58 need more details from the person who entered this topic, topic was entered without indication who did it)
  • Also cancelled three meetings scheduled for 12/20, 12/27 & 12/30 after consulted with PO Dennis first and confirmed in the last ACQ SIG meeting (12/6)

ERM (Martina Tumulla & Martina Schildt)

In ERM SIG we have discussed the need to transfer agreement lines between agreements. This was raised as an implementers topic and in 2 meetings we had a look at use cases and requirements.

Resource Access (Jana Freytag)

  • PO Assistance Group
  • Loan-related notes/comments
  • More POs are leaving the SIG

Reporting (Angela Zoss)

  • Had a SIG check-in conversation with Jesse - thanks!
  • Still hearing reports of institutions experiencing trouble negotiating hosting for LDP1. Most recently, Wellesley has shared that they need a reporting solution that provides direct access to their data and are not sure they will be able to get support for this. Since FOLIO does not ship with a production-ready reporting solution, institutions must develop and/or host their own solution or negotiate reporting hosting separately. (We hear over and over again from libraries of all sizes that FOLIO does not work for them without additional reporting functionality.) When different institutions seem to have different experiences trying to negotiate hosting of LDP1, that feels to us like an issue of equitable access to reporting. We’d like PC guidance on how the SIG should respond when we hear about struggles like this. We’d be happy to schedule a dedicated PC meeting to discuss this and other reporting issues.
  • Continuing to build FOLIO data model documentation for different functional areas
  • Have a team working on new/automated documentation options for LDP1 and Metadb tables
  • ERM group is expanding to collect and support reporting needs for Open Access SIG
  • Exciting news: Sharon Beltaine will be joining Angela Zoss as co-convener starting in January!
  • We would love help recruiting. We have a lot of exciting project work that will be a benefit to the broader FOLIO community, but we have to move slowly because our current membership is at full capacity for workload. If you know of individuals who have an interest in any aspect of reporting, or new institutions that are joining the FOLIO community that don’t yet have representation in the reporting community, please let us know!

SIG conveners (reporting today: Jana)

Meeting Chat Log

00:08:52	Kristin Martin:	https://wiki.folio.org/display/PC/2022-12-08+Product+Council+Meeting+notes
00:14:42	Kristin Martin:	https://docs.google.com/document/d/1268qg6EoxMwgqnmQkgeUycZkZJQs-No4rJr5xizvamw/edit#
00:20:19	Charlotte Whitt:	Here documentation on the Wiki on Push and Pull: https://wiki.folio.org/display/FOLIOtips/Single+Record+Import
00:25:07	Tod Olson:	Must step away
00:25:13	Dung-Lan Chen:	Thanks, Charlotte!
00:26:25	Charlotte Whitt:	:-)
00:29:30	Stewart, Caitlin:	Have to drop - thanks!
00:29:42	A2 Leitungsteam:	Ingolf, we're here to help to from GBV :)
00:29:48	A2 Leitungsteam:	*tt
00:29:50	A2 Leitungsteam:	*too
00:37:24	Ian Walls:	workflow is really essential to the future of FOLIO, so I'm glad to see it's getting some thinking/planning
00:37:37	Maura Byrne:	+1 Ian
00:56:28	Ian Walls:	do keep in mind that commercial organizations ARE members of the community
00:57:01	Maura Byrne:	Nice ringtone
01:02:59	Maura Byrne:	BRB
01:04:12	Maura Byrne:	back
01:23:28	Charlotte Whitt:	+ 1 Sharon
01:25:08	Ian Walls:	gotta drop.  thanks for this summary!
01:25:47	Maura Byrne:	+1 - the analysis was really good.
01:26:30	Gang Zhou | SHL:	+1 Good summary!
01:26:56	Dung-Lan Chen:	Yes, very well done summary … thanks Kristin, Martina, Sharon!!
01:27:14	Jesse Koennecke (he/him):	This was a lot of great work.  Thank you.
01:29:12	Dung-Lan Chen:	I could really use some of your techniques, Maura :)
01:29:38	Alexis Manheim:	I want to be a tyrant too!
01:29:46	Maura Byrne:	:-)
01:29:56	Jesse Koennecke (he/him):	Active Lazy Consensus?
01:30:10	Tod Olson:	Prodding...
01:30:16	Jesse Koennecke (he/him):	Not-so-lazy Consensus.
01:31:21	Jana Freytag | VZG:	Thank you for putting this together. Have to leave too :)