2022-01-20 Product Council Meeting Notes

2022-01-20 Product Council Meeting Notes


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Discussion items

5 minAnnouncements

Kristin M. representing PC on Long-term Release policy.  Mike Gorrell is leading this group.

Libraries going LIVE:
 - University of Chicago
 - Universidad Adolfo Ibanez
 - hbz: WDR library (public broadcasting library)

5 minWOLFcon planning updatesMike GReview current status for current WOLFcon plans, including location, registration details, and space and technology details.   From the suggestions for meeting ideas, FOLIO provided OLF with an outline of sample sessions to be included in the early registration packet.  Coming up is a refinement of the meeting ideas/suggestions.  Recommendations from the hosts: if you are planning to come, make your hotel reservations now...the reservation can be canceled later if needed.
25 minSWOT AnalysisSharon/Anya

Discuss and plan next steps Word Document
PC members were asked to review the SWOT analysis and come prepared to suggest next steps that the PC should take.

Helping get new SIG conveners engaged in the larger processes of the project.  (Helps to increase broader engagement with the project.)

Data syncing and data structure and architectural complexity were noted in the analysis.  TC and SysOps talk about these issues.  Have these underlying issues turned into future goals?  Who would be the lead here?

Noting the top 3 works under "weakness" word cloud are: Lack, System, Development.

Noting a positive: compared to a previous system, the user interface is intuitive enough to figure out a complex task such as acquisitions...much easier to train new staff.

We're heading in a bad trend of needing more hotfixes to address issues found after a release is made.

Thinking about the suite of options for handling metadata as a strength; libraries have the flexibility of managing metadata in ways that meet their needs.

As a weakness, we have a lot of out-of-date things and missing things on the wiki.  Do we need another space—a support space—for those using the system versus those that are developing the system?

We need to revisit the communication needs...beyond video calls and in languages other than English.

15 minsRoadmap updatesJesse

Roadmap.  This is based on the Jira roadmap project, and includes almost all of the subthemes under the appropriate themes.  There is an indication of calendar year when things would occur, but this needs to be reviewed with SIGs for accuracy.  Jesse has a few remaining things to do—adding subthemes and their links into the spreadsheet.  Anyone with the link can add comments to the spreadsheet.

Is this something that (with the completion of the links) could be put on the website for people that are interested in the project (versus actively working on the project)?  Would it need a higher level of abstraction before putting it on the main website?  (Putting it on the website definitely needs to describe the scope of time—when was the version last updated.)

Jesse to share with Community Council on Monday and have a new version to review for the next PC meeting for SIGs to review to confirm the assigned year for prioritization.

Are we promising things when we put them on the roadmap with a particular year?

Saved Zoom Chat

09:33:44 From  Tod Olson  to  Everyone:
    It's a good series, especially for those of us close to the Cold War.
09:34:35 From  Anya  to  Everyone:
    Universidad Adolfo Ibanez is live first library in Chile to adopt Alma and is now on using FOLIO as their ILS
09:35:51 From  Tiewei Liu  to  Everyone:
09:36:38 From  Brooks Travis  to  Everyone:
    Boo, Windows �
09:36:56 From  Charlotte Whitt  to  Everyone:
    Congrats to uChicago - so cool
09:37:11 From  Ballestro, John J  to  Everyone:
09:39:00 From  Kirstin Kemner-Heek  to  Everyone:
    Congrats to both of you: Chicago and hbz :-)
09:40:20 From  Jana Freytag  to  Everyone:
    The WDR has Die Maus the best TV Show for kids ever!
09:40:59 From  Kirstin Kemner-Heek  to  Everyone:
    +1 Anya!
09:41:04 From  Tod Olson  to  Everyone:
    That's a very big moment for lots of reasons!
09:51:22 From  Jana Freytag  to  Everyone:
    +1 MArtina
09:52:20 From  Martina Schildt  to  Everyone:
    and MM as well
09:52:56 From  Martina Schildt  to  Everyone:
    Dung-Lan Chen
09:58:36 From  Brooks Travis  to  Everyone:
    For me, the long-term sustainability of development is a big component of the weaknesses and threats
09:58:52 From  Kirstin Kemner-Heek  to  Everyone:
    +1 Brooks
10:00:55 From  Tod Olson  to  Everyone:
    ++ Brooks
10:02:49 From  Jesse Koennecke (he/him)  to  Everyone:
    The top 3 words in the Weakness word cloud are: Lack System Development.
10:03:30 From  Kristin Martin  to  Everyone:
    one moment
10:05:25 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
    This is weaknesses again, but I think there might be some opportunities is the list related to the wiki and documentation: 
documentation hard to find or missing
    outdated information on wiki
    Hard to find information on wiki
10:11:29 From  Charlotte Whitt  to  Everyone:
    The new work done by Stanford on linking an external BibFrame editor and mapping BibFrame formated data directly to Inventory data elements - is some really exciting work
10:14:24 From  Brooks Travis  to  Everyone:
    A KB/FAQ platform/tool
10:14:39 From  Brooks Travis  to  Everyone:
10:15:09 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
    Yes exactly Brooks
10:15:12 From  Peter Murray  to  Everyone:
    Confluence "Questions" is installed on the Wiki.
10:15:31 From  Peter Murray  to  Everyone:
    It would need a curation/publicity push.
10:16:32 From  Brooks Travis  to  Everyone:
    I would say it almost needs it's own domain (eg. answers.folio.org or help.folio.org)
10:17:13 From  Charlotte Whitt  to  Everyone:
    TCR - https://issues.folio.org/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20TCR
10:17:18 From  Tod Olson  to  Everyone:
    Even if the domain redirected to a space in Confluence.
10:17:32 From  Tiewei Liu  to  Everyone:
    We can include context based help info in the platform as well.
10:17:41 From  Anya  to  Everyone:
10:19:05 From  Brooks Travis  to  Everyone:
    Yeah, in-app help would be a big win
10:19:35 From  Tod Olson  to  Everyone:
    Yes, participation across the globe is a challenge.
10:41:20 From  Kristin Martin  to  Everyone:
    Speaking from experience...