2022-07-14 Product Council/SIG UpdatesMeeting notes
- Karen NewberyĀ
- Alexis ManheimĀ
- Angela Zoss (Old)Ā
- Martina SchildtĀ
- Jesse KoenneckeĀ
- Dung-Lan ChenĀ
- Jana FreytagĀ
- Aaron TrehubĀ
- Denise - (Auburn)
- Brooks TravisĀ
- Ian WallsĀ
- Martina TumullaĀ
- John BallestroĀ
- Maura ByrneĀ
- Marc JohnsonĀ
- Paul MoellerĀ
- Owen StephensĀ
- Kirstin Kemner-HeekĀ
- Björn MuschallĀ
- Gang ZhouĀ
- Stephanie BuckĀ
regrets: Sharon Wiles-Young
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 min | Announcements
| Notetaker: Karen Newbery Anton: Morning Glory Bugfest from 7/18 - 7/29: Environment has been created, smoke tests running. Have a very low claiming rate 35% claimed. Almost 2000 test cases this round. Please reach out to others to claim some tests. See the wiki (Bug Fest Helpful Resources) on how to join. Testers who don't have a Test-Rails account, reach out to Anton directly. Reach out to your SIGs. EPAM will be taking cases, but the community should claim first. Tiewei Lu - FOLIO Asia Pacific conference will take place today at 9PM EST - see PC Slack for info | |
10 min | Elections of PC Officers:
| PC | Thanks to Jesse for his service in leading Product Council!Ā |
50 min | SIG Updates | SIG Representatives | Additional discussion not in the notes document Acquisitions -Ā Kristin M. - Good to be able to discuss FYRO. UChicago ran the process in Lotus, and it took two weeks to complete. There are hotfixes that are coming out to correct some of the issues. Would be good to thoroughly test this in bug fest. Their roll over worked in development, but not in production, but because it was segmented, staff could continue cataloging and circulating items while acquisitions was corded off to figure out roll over. Dung-Lan Chen - They used Kiwi to roll over. Followed instructions but there were still questions, errors in the error log weren't clear. Worth sharing - if you are a multi-POL institution, some warnings showed as errors. It wasn't in the documentation. Will take one of the Acquisitions SIG meetings to discuss FYRO. Brooks - several libraries will be doing FYRO in Dec/Jan. Michigan State also performed FYRO in Lotus. Consider having frozen yogurt at meetings where FYRO is discussed. Or play Skylanders. Implementers -Ā FYRO was a major topic. Agreement that FYRO was a bumpy experience, but hopes for it being better in the future. WOLFCon - will discuss more having a lightening round session for individuals to share what their institutions are doing with FOLIO. OA-Ā Hoping to have an initial release for approval within the next two major FOLIO releases Resource Access -Ā Automatic printing of staff slips won't be possible because we cannot skip the browser print model. |
25 min | Agenda planning for WOLFCon
| PC | We have two PC members who will be only virtual - Karen Newbery and Gang Zhou. They agreed they will do their best to make the meetings as scheduled. 10:15 CEST = 4:15 AM EDT and 3:15 PM China Might be able to put Prioritization Process meeting on Day 3. Defining our role in the new FOLIO project - looking forward while respecting what has happened in the past. Use Day 1 meeting to brainstorm, and a subsequent meeting to expand on the ideas. We're in an important phase to do brainstorming to consider what we want FOLIO to be. Roadmap meeting - presentation and trying to define how it should evolve. Roadmap is central to PC work, but not necessarily used across the project to prioritize future development. Data Sync working group - originally didn't want to have dependencies across the modules, but users have indicated that their daily work requires data synchronization. As more libraries have implemented, they're looking at FOLIO as more of a traditional ILS. Good to discuss this at cross-council meeting? How do our architectural decisions affect interaction, and how do we prioritize current ILS functionality along with future functionality that FOLIO is trying to support? Ian - Important to differentiate between FOLIO platform and the FOLIO product (flower names). The two are different and have different needs between them. Marc - What is the FOLIO way? It would be great if FOLIO had a definition for the platform, the product and the "way". FOLIO should provide mechanism for people to build apps to meet needs, but there will still be questions on how users will want apps to interact with each other. Currently it's difficult to pull some pieces apart, but there are some relationships (orders/instances) that are required and need to work.Ā WOLFCon registration numbers - won't be a huge event. We have opportunities to have some working meetings and there will be opportunities to meet outside. |
5 min | Agenda setting | PC Meeting and agenda planning meeting will be cancelled for next week. Next PC meeting 7/28 |