2022-11-10 Meeting notes

2022-11-10 Meeting notes



Meeting Recording


Discussion items

5 min


FOLIO China update

Changshu Libary is going live in China this week with circulation, inventory, and user management. Hosted by Jiangsu Jiatu Network Technology Co. Ltd.

 40 minSIG Updates AllSee "SIG Updates" heading below
40 min

Roadmap reboot

Prioritization and Roadmap Working Group

Jesse Koennecke  

Are we at the stage of testing this process and see if it works? Need to clarify who is responsible for passing around the prioritization tasks; need to form the prioritization and roadmap working group to take on the tasks in the charge. The working group will need to look for a tool other than Jira to evaluate priorities, and then have those priorities reflected in Jira.

The plan is to adopt this next week...make comments and questions on this document prior to then. The goal is to make the roadmap more relevant to ongoing discussions about priorities.

5 minAgenda Items for upcoming meetings

Discussion about the feedback from SIGs will happen after the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.

"Functional Requirements for New Modules" group is meeting on Friday to review final recommendations.

Onboarding group is meeting next Tuesday.

Looking to have a discussion with the other council chairs about making sure the project has the people in place when key individuals leave.

Community Council is expected to discuss the needs for people resources to bring up the hosted reference environment for Morning Glory.

SIG Updates

Metadata Management (Felix Hemme and Raegan Wiechert)

  • Enhancements to inventory - discussions around what might be things go better/easier
  • Conversations with PC on how things can be better for the SIG
  • Entity Management: 
    • We are working in parallel on 1) Updating the use cases - this work is lead by Jacquie Samples; and 2) Do a landscape survey of what has happened the past 2 years. This work is lead by Jason Kovari
  • Quick MARC/MARC Authorities: now that we can put authority records in FOLIO, working on how to link authority records with the MARC SRS record
  • Data import subgroup: import order records using MARC data and enhancements to single record import to select different profiles

Consortia (Noah Brubaker)

  • Consortia SIG is meeting again. It is reviewing the existing Jira tickets to add more content to them as needed.

SysOps (Ingolf Kuss)

Implementers (Ian Walls)

  • Wiki namespace update from ‘COHORT2019’ to ‘IMPLEMENTERS’ underway
  • Implementer’s Group participating collectively in Nolana BugFest
  • Ian Walls’ term as facilitator expires at the end of 2022

Support (Anya Arnold and Debra Howell)

As of Monday Morning (11/7) this is what the support queue looked like. With Anton leaving the community, the Support sig will need someone that maintains the support sig: dashboard, the names of dev teams, names of impacted clients, names of release with in Jira.

Privacy (Carsten Schwill and Adam Chandler)

User Management (Maura Byrne)

App Interaction (Martina Schildt)

Acquisitions (Dung-Lan Chen)

Highlights of what’s been discussed/presented since the last SIG updates

  • Cross App Workflow presentations of two different processes at Texas A&M (by Heather McMill & Therese Corte)
  • Bring in invoice data from Harrassowitz and process the invoice (by Kimberly Pamplin)
  • Sara's Show & Tell: Packages Galore! (by Sara Colglazier, in two meetings)
  • PO, Dennis Bridges did demos for both Morning Glory & planned Nolana Release highlights
  • In the most recent meeting, Dennis did a brief review of how to participate in Nolana bugfest with related information & Q&A and let the group use the second half of the meeting time to claim and test cases in Nolana Bugfest 

ERM (Martina Tumulla & Martina Schildt)

ERM SIG discussed the PC questions

Owen presented on ERM functionality for the Nolana release and the plans for the Orchid release

Open Access (Björn Muschall)

  • Working on report for project called Open APCs, and demonstrating that functionality
  • Close to announcing an initial release of version 1 of the application
  • FOLIO Forum on the application on November 30 (registration)

Resource Access (Jana Freytag)

  • PO assistance group: walk through the process of refining a feature
  • User notification: A screenshot journey of actual cost notices
  • Actual cost Update: See slide deck for more info
  • Requests: UXPROD-1628 and UXPROD-3539
  • Subgroups:
    • CDL subgroup is meeting every Tuesday now
    • Refund subgroup is meeting every Monday starting Nov., 27th

Reporting (Angela Zoss)

  • Partnered with the SysOps and Management SIG meeting on a discussion about LDP1 hosting (thanks Ingolf!). The discussion was really fascinating - experts from EBSCO, Index Data, and TAMU were able to share their lessons learned and tips on hosting and explore what benchmarks make sense for different institutions. Reporting SIG hopes to write up a summary of what we learned so we can respond when people have concerns about LDP1 hosting.
  • (Still) looking to reach out to implementers that don’t have Reporting SIG representation
  • Cleaned up our FOLIO Slack reporting channels to reduce confusion - now focused on one main #reporting-general channel
  • We have some new members from Wellesley who joined the SIG meetings recently, got to have a bit of open discussion and onboarding
  • SIG members also contributed development time to the FOLIO Analytics query repository; see the CHANGES.md (1.5.0) for the many improvements to queries that help get institutions up and running with FOLIO more quickly, including changes that embed FOLIO field documentation right in LDP1 and Metadb tables

SIG conveners

  • Working on a survey to improve SIG work and convenership
  • Aiming to be finished for distribution end of ‘22

Meeting chat log

00:09:00	Tod Olson:	Good news! And that's also great about the tech editor position!
00:09:20	Tiewei Liu:	😃
00:09:26	Peter Murray:	Lucy: I didn't get the name of the library...could you add it to the minutes later, please?
00:09:58	Tiewei Liu:	Changshu City Library
00:10:06	Tiewei Liu:	Sure
00:10:12	Kristin Martin (UChicago she/her):	https://docs.google.com/document/d/1268qg6EoxMwgqnmQkgeUycZkZJQs-No4rJr5xizvamw/edit#heading=h.vvcsc8s2pnm6
00:14:49	Charlotte Whitt:	The Entity Management WG has had a couple of meeting by now. We are working in parallel on 1) Updating the use cases - this work is lead by Jacquie Samples; and 2) Do a landscape survey of what has happened the past 2 years. This work is lead by Jason Kovari
00:24:22	Kristin Martin (UChicago she/her):	https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xkJGi-yO8pluHJ1zGJf-oTvlGZUsi5M1iTNChqRcRug/edit#gid=0
00:32:37	Dung-Lan Chen:	Related to earlier discussion ... perhaps having a wiki page/list where people can see what integration between other systems and FOLIO that people have made possible?!  Such information resources may have already existed that I am not aware, though.
00:34:26	Tod Olson:	I think the SysOps list of integrations does a good job of documenting what integrations are currently active: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SYSOPS/List+of+Integrations
00:35:24	Tod Olson:	It doesn't say which institutions have what integrations up and running, but Slack is a good resource for those more specific questions.
00:35:51	Dung-Lan Chen:	Thanks, Tod! I agree the list looks good!!
00:37:09	Owen Stephens:	So for example I’m surprised this isn’t tagged support? https://issues.folio.org/browse/UIDATIMP-1298
00:39:25	Owen Stephens:	This is a P1 https://issues.folio.org/browse/MODPUBSUB-251 but it is quite technical
00:39:40	Owen Stephens:	Julian requested “I would like to request approval for https://issues.folio.org/browse/MODPUBSUB-251 "kafka-clients 3.2.3 fixing out-of-memory vulnerability CVE-2022-34917" for both Lotus HF and MG HF.”
00:42:53	Ian Walls:	and what would be the plan if the FOLIO Project cannot get what it needs?
00:43:32	Kristin Martin (UChicago she/her):	We see your cat.
00:56:15	Dung-Lan Chen:	To Sharon, recent ACQ SIG meeting notes and recordings haven't been added to meeting agenda page yet but they will be soon.  In the meantime, recordings can be found here - https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/acquisitions-sig/
00:56:52	Sharon Wiles-Young:	Thanks
01:04:56	Martina Schildt | VZG:	wiki page were the parts of the process are described: https://wiki.folio.org/display/PC/IV+%7C+Prioritization+process
01:10:04	Martina Schildt | VZG:	tool Evaluation sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GYy_BwSkt_D1h5MbWasm4qIJv7tBQNCDPmZYsWygTJ4/edit#gid=0
01:10:30	Martina Schildt | VZG:	recording for the Evaluation session: https://stanford.zoom.us/rec/play/LxxrOFeen90rp21ZDT7X5SUYBwrF85o1F_aRokGH3c-4Oud3vdkrpeizfaLrE2r-9B1tZigV_QiJFGzY.IfnIWYoYFi-U1k6-?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=6CFood0oTAS_nBNs0_iVWA.1650474053352.40b577b01f48b71725cebda48ec439c0&_x_zm_rhtaid=46
01:24:05	Jesse Koennecke (he/him):	I need to head to another meeting.  Thanks everyone.
01:24:55	Alexis Manheim:	This sounds a lot like what Kristen was just talking about...
01:25:50	Kristin Martin (UChicago she/her):	I will plan to attend the CC next Monday.
01:26:01	Owen Stephens:	This is the community council minutes when it was discussed  https://wiki.folio.org/display/CC/2022-10-10+Meeting+notes
01:26:27	Owen Stephens:	There doesn’t seem to have been any further discussion on https://wiki.folio.org/display/CC/2022-10-24+Meeting+notes

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