Acquisitions SIG Home

Charge: The Acquisitions SIG  is assembled to refine requirements and acquisitions mockups, as well as final review and comment. 

Key Contacts

 NameAffiliationArea of concernRole
Texas A&M UniversityGroup membership and meeting notesConvener
EBSCOAcquisitions applicationsProduct Owner
EBSCOAcquisitions applicationsCo-Product Owner
Texas A&M UniversityGroup membership and meeting notesCo-convener


The Acquisitions SIG was formerly a subgroup of the Resource Management SIG. Acq SIG is charged with working with developers to refine the acquisitions functionality and look and feel. The Acquisitions SIG regularly meets every Tuesday and every other Friday to provide input on development efforts. Members not only commit to regular attendance at these meetings, but also to working on projects and tasks outside of meeting times that contribute to the definition as well as presentation of the requirements. New members will understandably need time to ramp up and get acquainted with the applications and issues at hand. It is the responsibility of each member to stay current with pertinent topics in order to keep discussions moving forward. New members can be paired with more experienced members, please just ask a Convener. Meeting notes are available on the wiki, as is a link to the meeting recordings.  


Acquisitions SIG members consists primarily of acquisitions specialists from early adopters and implementing libraries, led by Dennis Bridges and Ann-Marie Breaux, as co-product owners.  This group is open.  However, we wish to keep the group focused and agile, and strive to have all areas of acquisitions covered by the position responsibilities of the institutional members. 

Members or other members of the FOLIO community are encouraged to approach the Acquisitions SIG Product-Owners or Conveners with questions or discussion topics.

New member onboarding info/resources:

Current discussions

key summary type assignee priority updated status cap plan rank

Acquisitions Development work covers: 

  • Orders (one-time and ongoing, building, sending, receiving from vendors)
  • Fund and budget management
  • Vendor management
  • Contacts (basics)
  • EDIFACT orders and invoices
  • Receiving 
  • Payment and invoice management
  • Subscription renewals
  • Subscription check-in

See full list of Acquisitions Interface Fields in Google spreadsheet

Related Discuss Posts: Please review and comment there.

Architecture Documents

About Us

The Acquisitions SIG works with developers to define essential functions for acquiring and managing all types of materials: fund structures, orders, receiving, payment, claims, maintenance, usage and other statistics, other possible evaluation tools, and reporting.  The SIG will consider options to show relationships between resources, and mechanisms and workflows needed to support these functions. The SIG will also need to evaluate the potential for applications supporting selection, decision-making, and analysis with the aim of ensuring that current work does not limit future innovation. The Acquisitions SIG advises developers on the coordination needed between its operations and other functions, such as metadata management and electronic resource management.  It coordinates closely with Metadata Management and ERM SIGs.  It also advises developers on the interactions needed between libraries, vendors, and other parties necessary for successful resource management.

Communication Channels

See FOLIO Communication Spaces for more details about the project's communication channels.


The Acquisitions Group Meets via Zoom every Tuesday 1-2pm Eastern U.S. time (see time in your timezone) and every other Friday 9-10am Eastern U.S. time (see time in your timezone).  For more details, see the Acq SIG Meetings and Notes.

SIG Convener

For more information about the Acquisitions SIG, contact the ACQ-SIG convener Dung-Lan Chen or co-convener Heather McMillan 

Need to Rank

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Need to review with RM SIG

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