2018-01-18 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2018-01-18 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion items

5 minHousekeeping

Request Screens and queue

Refinements to Proxy/Sponsor in User details

Status worksheethttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lVKuWjfsesHabOTau-GEHc3jCxuoiDzVYVKwZgyEmJU/edit#gid=0


 Data elements for Instances and formats
  •  Introduction of joint Resource Access / Metadata Management issue
  • Call for volunteers for temporary sub-group

Custom date/time and library location for check-inDarcy Branchini


No meetings next week.

Welcome Lynn Whittenberger (NCSU)! Lynn is the convener of the Metadata Management SIG and is forming the Resource/Format Working Group as a joint platform for RA Sig and MM Sig members. The group will probably meet for 1 - 1.5 hours per week. She invites RA members to participate, preferably as vocal contributors, but lurkers welcome. Lynn will send out a Doodle poll to select a meeting time. Please see https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4653994 for information about this working group.

Kimie and Tania reviewed the proposed updates to the checkout screen and request screens:

  • Checkout screen: Preferred wording for patron role labels:
    • “or acting as a proxy for”
    • “[patron name] is proxy for”
  • Request list: order of column data should have the Request Date first, followed by Title, Barcode, Request Type, Request Status, Requestor Name and barcode. We want to have a column showing the Request Queue position (rank). David noted that the rank information needs to display to the patron through the API as well. We need to be able to resequence the request queue, but this won’t come in V.1
  • Request Details screen: the Request Type, Request Status, Request Expiration Date, Hold Shelf Expiration Date have been moved to the top of the panel. Q: can the call number, volume, enumeration, copy number all be concatenated? Would be preferable visually and may save space.
  • New Request screen: move request expiration date to the top. Show Request info, Item info, Requestor info.  Specific data to show: Request Rank, Request Type, Request Status, Pickup/Delivery Location, Requestor, Requestor Barcode, Request Date, Needed By Date. We agreed that we don’t need a column for Proxy information. Right now, this display is designed around hardcopy materials but we need to keep electronic requests in mind.
  • Request titles will be clickable to get to the full detail about the item

Tania asked the group to review the Google Docs spreadsheet for Request Statuses and Item Statuses – please add/edit as needed.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lVKuWjfsesHabOTau-GEHc3jCxuoiDzVYVKwZgyEmJU/edit?ts=5a608a63#gid=496011102

To be Continued Next week: Darcy will discuss her work on date/time and library location for check-in

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