2018-04-12 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2018-04-12 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion items

5minHousekeepingAndrea LoigmanNote taker: William Weare
30+minFines/feesHolly Mistlebauer



WOLFcon now has a site: http://wolf-con.org/

Reporting SIG (Holly)

No product owner; looking for 10 hours of week of work;

Reports specific to each particular area will be the responsibility of the product owner for each area, such as workflow, audits, etc.

Reporting SIG will be responsible for annual statistics, etc.

Developer role still needs to be worked out.

Automated fees & fines (Holly)

This is a continuation of Monday’s (April 9) presentation (interrupted by fire alarm)

Pending fees & fines:

There will need to be a user interface for patron to be able to see pending fees & fines

Fees and fines are owned by the library that owns the item, not the library where is was checked out

Claimed Returned:

  • Anything suspended will not show up as pending or total fees/fines
  • Nothing will accrue while being searched for
  • If transferred to bursar, a credit will need to be activated

When searching is over:

  • If found by staff, fine is cleared
  • If found by patron, full fees up to return date would be charged

Loans group input (Emma, Mark)

Needs mechanism: found by patron vs. found by staff

This will go back to the loans group

Questions from Holly:

1. Should ‘suspended fees & fines’ be displayed?

For billed items (item has aged to lost), we would want to see ‘suspended’ status

Items still accruing fines can also be suspended, but nothing has been/will be calculated until item is returned

2. Fines/fees links from user information screen: link to open/closed, OR link through displayed amounts (“Outstanding balance”)?

Terminology: pending? Maybe ‘overdue fines accruing’?

Meeting concluded at 10:55.

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