2017-10-12 Resource Access Meeting Notes
2017-10-12 Resource Access Meeting Notes
- Deb Lamb
- Joanne Leary
- Rameka Barnes
- Wendy Wilcox
- Mark Canney
- Cate Boerema (Deactivated)
- William Weare
- David Bottorff
- David Larsen
- Sharon Wiles-Young
- Kimie Kester
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5min | Housekeeping | Andrea Loigman |
50min | Fines/Fees | Holly Mistlebauer |
5min | User Screen |
- Looking for a subgroup to meet with the User Management SIG on 10/25 at 10 am eastern time.
- Issues to discuss include user record, affiliations, stat groups and expiration date.
- Mary, Wendy and Andre volunteered. Edd Merkel from Chicago from Chicago will also be on that call.
Holly: looking at the differences between the open and closed fees/fines screens
- “Charge Manual Fee/Fines” does not operate like the other buttons.
- Discussion agreed that having it placed in the tab line with a “+ new” would be consistent with language used elsewhere
- This cannot be applied to multiple items, only used for 1 item at a time
- If multiple fees/fines are selected, would like to have a running total on screen and can see more information on the next screen
- If applying a paid amount, would need business logic behind it – smallest, most recent, etc. could be ways to sort but would want to do it on a case by case basis
- Error=delete in drop down menu
- Partial payments were discussed
- Running totals of what is being selected is very important
- Amount owed should be in similar font/size as patron name as this is important data
Closed fees/fines screen
- Only action that can be done is refund or credit
- Want to see if it was transferred and date
- Strong recommendation for a holistic view of all reactions such as paid, waived, refund
- Holly will show us a mockup of what we discussed to help us visualize
- Amount paid should be in a similar font/size as patron name
All fees/fines
- Spirited discussion of whether we need this or not. Some like to look at entire patron history of bills in one space
- Would need business logic in place so operators can’t do something we don’t want them to do.
- If no check box, no action can be taken
- Holly will get back to us with a visualization based on our input
Kimie and Cate showed us latest mockup of patron detail
- It now has basic information with the addition of extended information, contact information and address
- Would be able to edit from patron screen
- Proxies, fees/fines and loans would be dependent on permission level
- User metadata is all or nothing
- It has not been decided what display would look like if you do not have permission to see certain data
- Are vertical panes adjustable or can we lose a column? Not yet but in backlog
Next Week: Tania will be our guest to discuss requesting.