2017-08-17 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2017-08-17 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion items

5 minHousekeepingAndrea
45 minScreen reviewKimie KesterLoan Record, users, etc.
10 MinFines and Fees - manual functionalityHollyfines and fees  – user stories


  • workflows UX demo discussion Monday
  • Kimie: individual loan details screen mockup based on feedback
    • where should notices be displayed, on this screen listed as part of the action list? action column sortable? Or a toggle/filter? on a separate screen? should be exportable. should also allow you to click on and view the text of each notice
  • Kimie: loans screen (not checkout screen)
    • if you don't have permission to perform an action, currently it is not displayed, new approach is grey out and hover over saying "you do not have permission to use this feature" how do you deal with supervisor override, in general a quick easy override is important somewhere
    • Delete loan discussion about what it does (removes loan without triggering other workflows) and what should its terminology be: "Cancel loan" was agreed upon
    • should discharge be possible from this screen? how would pop ups alerts, hold slips, etc. work? Seems impractical?
  • Kimie: proxy stuff
    • accordian design: where numerical count makes sense, show it there, does this make work?
    • do you need something for any section that's populated where numbers don't make sense, don't need it now since information is the only one
    • information may be too broad, "user information"
    • where is the user notes section?
    • we need an expand all/collapse all option
  • Kimie: delete option
    • confirmation needed upon delete
    • success message that also lets you undo
  • Holly: won't be able to show fines and fees history, no time
  • Holly: charging manual fees
    • what barcoded items will you be charging manual fees? damaged books, missing SD cards, lockers?
    • barcode needs to validate that the barcode exists and display what it is
    • situations where you need to charge somebody for a former loan, no longer on the loan screen
    • desire for barcode search next to field
    • further discussion needed about when manual loans are appropriate