2017-01-12 Meeting notes

2017-01-12 Meeting notes




  • Line up our ducks and continue review of the prototype

Discussion items

5 minsHousekeepingAndrea
  • access to confluence & discuss?
  • note-taker / forum facilitator ?
  • reminder - fill out experience tables
10 minWhat is a Product Council Liason?Sharon Wiles-Young 
30 minsPrototype demo continuedFilip Jakobsen

Prototype - https://share.proto.io/D7XIAW/

15 minsongoing meeting structureAndrea

discussion - how do we move forward?

Meeting Notes

Minutes assignments: we agreed to rotate taking the minutes. Joanne will take this week’s minutes, Mark will take next week’s minutes. Andrea will not be able to attend next week’s meeting, but we agreed to meet anyway in the interests of making as much progress as possible. Andrea will find out how to access the recordings of our meetings. She urged everyone to fill out the experience and expertise spreadsheet, which will allow SIG members to attend only the meetings where their area of expertise is needed, and will allow the developers to direct their questions to those who are best able to help them.


Sharon Wiles-Young is our liaison to the Product Council and will be communicating our issues to them. Sharon noted that identifying where functional areas overlap is important. She will be speaking with our EBSCO representative about the development of a project roadmap. As a member of the Forum Facilitators group, Sharon will bring up topics for discussion in the Forum. Sharon agreed to provide us with an update on the project roadmap toward the end of every month.


The remainder of the meeting was spent in reviewing the work to date on the Patron interface. Filip demoed the patron screens and functionalities and made note of questions and suggestions:

  • We need separate views (screens) for items charged and holds. Important to clarify what is meant by “holds”: some libraries mean items currently on the hold shelf for a patron (ready to be picked up); some libraries mean items requested by the patron (not yet available for pickup). Because every request transitions through different statuses, it’s important to be able to view the item status at any given time (applies to all items associated with a patron account, not just requests).
  • Fines: David re-emphasized that it was necessary to distinguish between current fines and historical fines on patron screens. The lists must be easy to navigate, be sortable by library or fine type or date or other criteria, and to export as a group
  • Patrons with dual roles: how to make sure a patron with a “library user” role and a “library employee” role accesses the system appropriately at all times? One suggestion is to enable 2-factor authentication via a dongle device that could be attached to the library work terminal. Many universities now require 2-factor authentication as part of their network security, so this should be built into the product. This level of security is most necessary for student employees; staff who work from home could be issued a personal fob/dongle to allow them access to the system as an employee. Another suggestion is to limit by IP address; library staff who work from home could be accommodated by this method.
  • Assigning patron permissions: Joanne asked for clarification about the setup of patron permissions. Filip explained that the developers are establishing functional area- based permissions that can be thought of as building block permission sets. These permission sets could be used as starting points to customize permission profiles for individual users, or groups of users. Allowing the administrator to assign “line-item” permissions allows the greatest flexibility for the library, as we would not be confined to applying only permissions for a given functional area. Permission sets could be cloned and then edited to customize for new groups of users.
  • Other Patron functionality:
    • Searching for patrons: we need multiple ways to search for patrons in the system (name, school ID, network ID, other?)
    • Communication: we will be able to customize how we want to communicate with patrons (email, texting, social media)
    • Statistics: we can assign tags (statistical categories) that can be used for search filtering


Coming up: two weeks from now, Maike and Maria will present the work they did on Catalog Requirements for a next-gen library management system: https://www.ole-germany.org/display/OLE/b.+Erarbeitete+Anforderungskataloge (this document is presented in both German and English)

 Action items
