2017-05-18 Resource Access Meeting Notes
- Sharon Wiles-Young
- Mark Canney
- David Larsen
- Charlotte Whitt
- Felicity Walsh
- Deb Lamb
- Wendy Wilcox
- Cheryl Malmborg
- David Bottorff
- Kathryn Harnish
- Michael Winkler
- Rameka Barnes
- Maria Grzeschniok
- Filip Jakobsen
- Finalize decisions about locations
- specifically - one to many vs. many to many relationships for service points and locations
- Begin discussion about the new Loan Rules Management Interface
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 min | Housekeeping | Andrea |
25 min | Locations con't. | Andrea |
30 min | Loan rules manager | Filip | Overview / initial discussion (link to video available from: https://discuss.folio.org/t/loan-rules-ux-iteration-3/797) |
Many to many
Decided against it and there must have been a reason
Can have a many to many relationship if all the desks are the home location
Doesn’t need to go to in transit
What happens when something comes back from the bindery
Sit for some period of time before go to stacks to be reshelved
Checkin point where your hold shelves are; want a delay before notice sent
One to many relationship for circulation desk; in transit until it gets home
Floating collection you have to be able to indicate where the item is physically located
Floating collection; one to many versus many to many concept
Floating location would assume the location of whereever it is discharged
Processing points
Steer away from using phantom patron cards to check out to manage “checkouts” or movement of books
Building our workflows around a processing point rather than a pseudo checkout would be better
Service points and processing locations; one would not be a pickup location
You not want a processing area not to show up as available, recently returned, etc.
Everything does ultimately have to home; safe is good -- one to many location
As long as the system is developed as a many to many system, if you choose not to use that, you can make it one to many
If they are all the home location; where is the record does something say the home location
4 desks on the floor; as long as item knows it is home.
True of circulation desks now; return at the science library, but you indicated you wanted to pick up at the music library, the system puts that item in transit
Pickup locations are defined as a circulation desk
We typically define one circulation desk per library
Pickup location supersedes home location
Location hierarchy
Not understanding the hierarchical nature of locations
Confusion about the terminology
Hierarchy of the rules it does take into account the hierarchy of the location
Have exceptions for shelving locations
If you were going to name each level of priority queue; would solve that problem but would take out the flexibility
The specificity would understand that the system would understand the hierarchy; a sublocation would be higher than another location
Branches are libraries; archives or museums might be interested in being some apps
Filip will look at the nomenclature; allow for flexibility at each institution
Like the test feature
Show me all the rules that apply to this undergrad or this location; filter feature would do that
Search needs to be a bit more sophisticated so when you search for “grad” you don’t get both undergraduate and graduate student
Hoping for a table myself; rather than faux code
We are in systems where there are thousands of lines of this; how we would navigate this
Navigation; filtering; it doesn’t change how you use this.
Can create more boxes
Policy name; click on that and it would expand the parameters of that
Ole, one of the things that does work is that there is always links to more information
If there is a link to a policy
Do modal window solve that for you? Circulation desk; go back and forth between loan screen and return screen
Overall design choice; this display is inconsistent, we are should be consistent?
Way something behaves needs to have consistency when you do through different functions
I don’t see a problem with a modal window
Loan rules
Have to have that firmed up by the end of next week
What we are seeing freaked us out
Filip can make it look more like a matrix
Liked the display where things are in a hierarchy
Reconcile everything with the exceptions