2017-06-08 Resource Access Meeting Notes




  • Determine the meeting schedule for the rest of this month
  • Delineate needs for system functions related to locations and the location hierarchy

Discussion items

10 minHousekeepingAndrea
  • Note-taker - Deb Lamb
  • Meeting schedule for June
50 minLocation hierarchyHarry and VinceLocations and the location hierarchy


Housekeeping:  No meetings on 6/22 & 26 (ALA) but will meet while Andrea is on vacation (enjoy!) with Cate as our convener.

Location discussion with Harry, Vince and Cate

  • Number of levels:
    • 5, not all need to be configured
    • VZG libraries currently use 5
    • Is having 5 levels a workaround from past systems or needed? 
    • Would it be better to have 5 right now instead of trying to add one later

  • Service Desks / Processing locations
    • not part of the hierarchy but connected to it
    • system needs to understand when an item is 'home' to enable next steps
    • can we have a many to many relationship between desks and locations
      • what are the advantages/disadvantages?
    • Should we differentiate between service Desks & processing locations? Will that help the workflow engine?
  • Level Descriptions:
    • each institution will want to define and name their own levels
    • so name conventions could be Level A,B,C or Level 1,2,3
  • Consortia needs: 
    • Has not yet been discussed in Consortia SIG
    • many libraries are in more than one consortia
    • how can this be handled?
    • Is there a level above consortia?
    • Sits apart from institution
  • Collections:
    • Is collections more of a concept?
    • Location as a purpose? 
    • Workflow as context
    • What would happen if “collection” were not part of location hierarch?
    • What would that do to loan rules?
    • Adding another factor in loan rules (5 instead of 4) would make it more difficult

Seems reasonable to have a level between library and shelving but what would that be?

  • Must be able to retain home location when adding a temp location
  • Need to be prepared for the future:
    • Floating collections
    • Collective collections
    • ????


Will pick up discussion on Monday’s meeting


Recording - available through 6/22/2017
