Multiple people editing at same time- for 1st release lock down when others edit and audit trail for changes- change tracker will give you change history and who made the change
Search loan roles- search terms do not have next to each other and filter by exact match or all matches- What does search return?-highlight terms? yes highlight terms in context from top of document
Show errors how does the system do this- system gives message errors in syntax as you write the rule
test rules do you have to put a specific item or title or can you add just the criteria- you can type in the criteria and patron. How to enter criteria in interface simple input- item/title or advance input-suggest what operator can enter
v1 less development on editor fine but need to have the test loan rules feature
order of loan rules visual display - write criteria with consistency and exceptions will put rule on another line
What happens if a change happens in loan rule policy and there are already materials checked out with old policy- ACTION ITEM: how should this work–when material returned or another transaction how does the transaction go to new loan rule in the system- Cate Boerema (Deactivated)
Location hierarchy- order of locations and priorities of hierarchy in rules- how much flexibility of this model; what about ILL level of organization? What about collections? Examples: same shelf locations different collections? Terminology what do we mean by collections and shelf locations or Shared collection ideas? ask developers about hierarchy or $a-$l
When will we test a loan policy base on real loan rule? When more development finished.