2017-01-05 Meeting notes

2017-01-05 Meeting notes




  • Kick off meeting
    • Discuss the scope for the RA SIG (see the paragraph 'About Us' at Resource Access SIG)
    • Misc. 'housekeeping' tasks
    • Get on the 'same page'

Discussion items

5 minDiscuss scope of groupAndrea
  • incl. juxtaposition with User Management SIG
15 minCommunication needs and toolsAndrea
30 minDemo of prototypeFilip

https://share.proto.io/D7XIAW/ - Prototype

Discussion topic list - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sY8NqJ17Ol1-lyeX8bImPhYodeH_OUs_mLhNSETEJss/edit

- demo to be continued at next weeks meeting
8 minPresentation of functional matrixCharlottehttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TsL6416PBgltjU6gL6AymHAbzjSUg7TRJWN-NdLtzTI/edit#gid=668656552 - Functional Matrix
2 minWrap-upAndrea

Summarize action items for all to do.

Maike will talk with her colleagues at hbz and GBV re. presentation of The Requirement Catalog - https://www.ole-germany.org/display/OLE/b.+Erarbeitete+Anforderungskataloge

Meeting Notes

Andrea opened the kick off meeting, and introduced the charter of the Resource Access SIG, and the idea is to support Index Data and the developers to produce the system. This group will define all the circulation functions, needed for sharing resources, e.g. patron types, loan types, fines and fees structure. Joanne Leary, Cornell, asked if there was a set plan for how the system will be structured. Andrea told that Filip would do a demo of Folio, which would illustrate the structure, and D. and Charlotte from Index Data could add to this if needed. David Larsen, U. Chicago, asked if the charge also include creating patrons, and importing patrons. Andrea explained that especially this was very important, and also an area to discuss with the User Management SIG.Andrea had reached out to Chris Manly, Cornell, the convener of the UM SIG. Filip, D. and Charlotte are participating in the UM SIG meetings as well, and will make sure that the line of communication between the SIGs are open. Andrea explained that at this point we know the charge, and the biggest part of this is supporting the developers. The scope of this group will be refined further as we move forward, the task will be set by the requirements from the developers. D. and Charlotte will be the connection to the developers, and Filip works closely with the developers, and participate in weekly front-end meetings.

House keeping: 1) Note taking will rotate in alphabetic order after first name. Charlotte will begin. 2) Michael Winkler explained the role of the Forum Facilitator, and he engourage anyone with interest in these more outgoing activities to participate in this groups work. 3) Andrea explained how the Experience and expertise spreadsheet could help support Filip, when he has more specific questions, and he want to do talk with a subset af people. Everyone was asked to fill in their individual information. 4) Michael Winkler has set up a listserv for the group. It is a closed listserv for this group. 5) Andrea showed the groups space on Discuss, and recommended everyone to create an account, and set up for notifications.

Demo of prototype by Filip, with focus on resource access and related topics. The prototype is a living product. The prototype starts with the sign up page, and when you 'sign in' you get to the users pages (a predefined search: Boston). The core of the system is the universal navigation bar, and at the top to the right of the screen shows the apps accessible for that specific user, and the rights you have in the system define e.g. that you can create a user, but are not allowed to delete a user.  To the left side you see the app you have open, and the bread crumbs to help easily to navigate. The proto type has following apps: User, Calendar, Catalog, Scan, Automation, and Settings. For this group Filip would demonstrate in detail following apps: Scanning, Automation, User, and Settings.

a) The users app: David asked if the filters in the search pane were predefined or it would be possible to create filters there were commonly used by a library branch. There is the quick search feature (the left corner) where you can search a name or an ID number, and also a specific search page, which you access by clicking on the search icon in the top menu to the right. David asked if it was possible to distinct between fields in simple search, e.g. to define wether a search on Springfield would be a lastname, or a city. Filip showed how the quick search feature works in Slack, and said that could be a way to implement how to narrow a search.

b) Filip went over the building blocks in the system, and showed how this would work for 3rd part developers, and how they will be able to reuse part of the systems when they later are going to develop more apps for FOLIO, e.g. using the list in the system (the 2nd pane). 

c) The third pane is the information sheet for a specific user. Editing is possible inline, or by click on the user profile to edit all data. The different sections, e.g. Fees and fines, Loans and holds etc. has a quick search feature. Click on View full history will open a new page. In a later version it will be possible to rearrange the display, and the idea is to make the changes sticky to the user. To begin with very simple, probably no sticky, then sticky to the laptop, and then later sticky to the user. On a question re. export of data, and printing functions, Filip explained that this was important, and this was on his list to be supported. Filip explained the bookmark feature. Andrea asked how to share your bookmarks with your colleagues, and Filip went over the Bookmark feature, and showed the pop up screen, and how you could unlock your files, change the privacy to share within the institution, a specific department, or an individual. David Larsen suggested to the fees and fines section to implement a way to distinguish between current fees and fines, and history. 

Andrea mentioned for the group the google doc named List of topics - which Filip want to discuss with the SIGs. The list will be enhanced as we continue the work, and it will end up to be the topics for this groups meetings.

Charlotte showed the Functional Matrix, a google spreadsheet which consist of 165 user stories in following categories: Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Collection Management, System, and User. Both Andrea and David participated in the working group called UX/UI and FM Group. This group evaluated and rated the user stories, and the group also added more user stories (the ones written in red). The idea with the rating was to define what to implement in the initial version of FOLIO, but most of the stories got '1' as necessary for the MVP version. A separate sheet with all the user stories relevant for this group has been added to the document.

Andrea summarized the meeting and the action items for next weeks meeting on 12. January (same space, same time)

Action items