2017-02-09 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2017-02-09 Resource Access Meeting Notes




  • Introduction to FOLIO v.1 and discussion of needed components for creation of loan policies

Discussion items

20minFOLIO Version oneHarry Kaplanian
40minSub-area advisoryFilip
  • Loan policies (grace periods, fixed due dates, and everything else defined in policies)


Part 1

Harry Kaplanian introduced the FOLIO 2018 Release document (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Yf81Xmfwj40gT_sd2AE5ZdiYeDmJp3W4No1X7fNOEYc/edit#gid=629121461).

The Feature Matrix is very ambitious and strains our ability to complete by 2018.  They needed to create something that would be more focused and useable, so they created the FOLIO 2018 Release document.

Needed to annotate list to add dates indicating when things need to get done.  Need also to have creative space to improve on what’s listed.  We needed a much more detailed 12-month roadmap, which we can use to deploy necessary resources to meet our goals.  The result is the FOLIO 2018 release document.

Features have been assigned to SIGs, which are shown in tabs.  The R column indicates in which release the feature will be included.  We need to pay particular attention to the items included in the 1 category (indicating the first release).

They would like feedback from the SIGs indicating at the “epic” level (vs. the individual feature level) how well their first pass at coding the features works. 

Column G maps many of the features to the Feature Matrix, which emphasizes that this document is at a level higher than the Feature Matrix document.

Those reviewing the document can either add their initials to the Comments column or use the Google Docs comments feature.

Should we use the MSCW method?  (Must, Should, Could, Want)  It was agreed that this was a good idea.

If anyone wishes to add a feature to this document, they should not label it as Release 1 but instead ask the group to help determine whether it should be release 1. 

Next week’s meeting will discuss this document in detail.

Part 2

Sub-group discussed required components for the creation of loan policies.  The 'Loan Polices' table in the new wiki page (Circulation components (thought exercise - not functional, last updated 2019)) contains the list generated by the group and is available for updates.