2017-08-28 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2017-08-28 Resource Access Meeting Notes




Discussion items

5 minHousekeepingAndrea
  • Note-taker -  Joanne Leary
15 minPatron screensKimie 
40 minFine and fee screensHolly 


We continued with a review of the patron checkout, patron loans and patron fine/fee screens:

Patron checkout: when the patron barcode is scanned, the Proxy chooser screen will appear if there is a sponsor/proxy relationship. Otherwise, the display will be the patron checkout and info screen. We discussed the placement of the borrower information fields: patron name, status, expiration date, items loaned (#), recalled items (#), items available (#), overdue items (#). Clicking on the numbers (#) will bring you to the record details. Kimee will play with the placement of these fields and will implement for the next sprint.

Patron loans (current and historical): we recommended including an "All" choice (in addition to "open" and "closed" loans). Presenting and "all" choice should be a standard feature throughout the app. A feature on this screen will be the ability to link to the fine record from the loan record. Question: how do we get to the fine record screen if we do not retain checkout history linked to a patron? (This is a parking lot issue.) Would be nice to have a drop-down option to charge a fine from this screen.

Patron Fines (open and closed): features needed:

  • "Display All" option
  • Search box
  • Filtering by owning library, fine type, date, other
  • Ability to select single, multiple or all fines and post a transaction action (pay, waive, refund, error, send to Collections, reinstate)
  • Ability of create a manual charge
  • Include a field for "initiator" (could be "System" or person and/or circ desk where bill was created)
  • "Source" for fines is an attribute that relates to where and how the fine happened - through the OPAC, self-check, circ desk. Might better be called "Created at" for clarity.
  • Processing payment:
    • credits should be applicable to open charges to pay down a balance. Credit payments could be applied to selected charges or to the total.
    • methods of payment could be cash, check, credit card, dept account, applied credit
  • Interoperability: very important that the system can "talk" to external systems like university bursar system, collections, payment kiosks or other patron interface, and be able to process data to those system automatically, as scheduled.

Next meeting: Thursday 8/31/17: Vince and Kathryn will explain the Codex.  Fine/fee discussion to continue. Holly will work on user stories. Monday 9/4/17 - no meeting due to Labor Day in US.