2017-06-01 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2017-06-01 Resource Access Meeting Notes




  • Determine if the proposed proxy interface meets our needs
    • Provide feedback for improvements

Discussion items

5 minHousekeepingAndrea Loigman
  • Note-taker - Mark Canney
55 minProxy wire-framesMatthew Sullivan
  • Demo of UI wire-frames for proxy options
  • Discussion of features and requirements


 - Sharon Wiles-Young reminded us that there is going to be a FOLIO meeting at ALA - please contact her for more information.


Matthew Sullivan demonstrated the interface for Proxy Users within the User App. He displayed two basic layouts:

Option A. Use a custom user search screen with editing proxy information on pop-out.

Option B. Use standard user search screen then going to user record for inline editing.

The group seemed favorable towards Option B since it uses standard interface. Also, in favor of collapsing "Proxy" section of screen (and moving down to lower priority region of screen) because relatively few patrons would utilize this service.

Which user fields need to display in Search?  Name, ID, Barcode, Role.

Need to be more clear about language:  "Proxy For" and "Proxy By" or "Proxy" and "Sponsor".

What about "Status" attribute (active/inactive): is this attribute editable? Or is the "Expiration Date" the means to deactivate patron? Seems "Status" should be editable (as in current OLE and other ILS).

More about "Expiration Date": We need to be able to configure patron expiration date at beginning of academic term.

What about Proxys who do not have Library or University affiliation? We need a link to "create user" in case user not in system.

What about multiple levels of proxy permissions? For example, do Fines and fees accrue to Proxy?

Please include in minutes screenshot from OLE of collapsable regions of user record (where regions with data are indicated by blue color highlight: