2018-02-12 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2018-02-12 Resource Access Meeting Notes




Discussion items


 5 minHousekeeping
45 minSub-groups

Sub-group sign up sheet - please get this filled out as soon as possible so that the POs can create Doodle polls to find the best meeting times.

Reviewed the document that outlines the proposed approach to the sub-groups and made edits during discussion. The biggest issues are that time is a scarce commodity. The basic approach is: Time is a scarce commodity for all involved, so sub-groups will produce things quickly and report back to the whole SIG on a regular basis, for review, refinement and approval of any decisions made.

It was agreed that Printing Slips and Notifications are related enough that it makes sense for the same PO to tackle both.

10 minReserves

Discussion of what information we need to gather from institutions

Which institutions need/want reserves (print and/or e)

Some institutions really just need FOLIO to have temp item locations etc and an interface to a system like ARES, rather than full-blown reserves app

Could we convince Atlas to build the reserves app? (partly in jest)

Action items

  • Cate Boerema (Deactivated) and the POs will review PO assignments for the Sub-groups and adjust to distribute the work.

  • Andrea Loigman will send out links to the sub-group sign-up and approach docs and urge people to get them filled out by the Thursday meeting

  • Everyone should get their hours into the Sub-group sign up doc (include your time zone)
  • Maria Grzeschniok will talk to colleagues to try to get VZG into the sub-groups, especially around booking needs: Jarmo Schrader (University library Hildesheim, Germany) will join the reserves sub-group. we're hoping for additional feedback from our libraries

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