2023-05-15 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2023-05-15 Resource Access Meeting Notes


Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)



Elizabeth Chenette 

Susan Kimball 

Anne Ekblad 

Thomas Trutt 

lisa perchermeier 

Andy Horbal 

Erin Weller 

Magnus Andersson 

Tobi Hines 

Amelia Sutton 

David Bottorff 

Laurence Mini 

Christine Tobias 

Kimie Kester 

Cornelia Awenius 

Jana Freytag 

Janet Spongberg

Cheryl Malmborg 


Rebecca Pernell 

Paivi Rentz

Discussion Items:








Andy Horbal 

55minRA SIG Onboarding

Meeting Notes

RA SIG Onboarding - Cornelia and Jana

Goal is to answer any questions people have for Cornelia and Jana or each other. Jana opened the floor for questions to start. Janet Spongberg from Five Colleges introduced herself and said hello, but no one had any questions. Jana encouraged everyone to please follow up with her and Cornelia after the meeting with any feedback they might have, since this is a new initiative. Future onboarding meetings will be scheduled for as often as people request them and whenever there are lots of new members.

Jana gave a presentation adapted from slides created by the convener of the Reporting SIG designed to introduce new RA SIG members to FOLIO and the group.

Cornelia then gave a tour of the RA SIG’s wiki page. She asked anyone who is a member of the SIG but not listed to please add their name, and anyone who is missing an affiliation or job title to add those things as well. Note taking duties rotate among SIG members. Multiple people noted in the chat that the wiki page looks much neater and cleaner and thanked Cornelia and Jana for all their work on it. Cornelia noted that the CDL Subgroup is the only one which is active. Others, including Refunds and Reserves, could be re-activated if someone volunteered to lead them. Anyone interested should let Cornelia and Jana know. If anyone spots anything else missing from the wiki page, they should please let Cornelia and Jana know.

Series of questions about practice of recording meetings: how far back do they need to go? Would people be more willing to participate in meetings if they *weren’t* recorded? Is it really necessary given the fact that we also take notes on each meeting? Jana noted that PC talked about this several months ago and decided that records should go back at least one year and longer at the discretion of the SIG. She indicated that she would delete all RA SIG records more than a year old minus demos and other things that might still be of interest. She will also bring concerns about general practice of recording meetings to PC for further discussion. Further conversation established a consensus that it would be good to have a written policy on this topic. Jana indicated that she would work on this. Multiple noted in the chat that anyone uncomfortable being recorded can still participate in the SIG via Slack. Anyone who watches recordings and participates this way should consider themselves to be full SIG members!

Julie Bickle noted that as a PO, she relies on the SIG to give her information about functionality she is developing and to test it.