2023-03-20 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2023-03-20 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


Karen White 

Magnus Andersson 

Thomas Trutt 


Lara Moch (Unlicensed) 

Cornelia Awenius 

Nina Morgenstern 

Erin Weller 

Dwayne Swigert 

Cheryl Malmborg 

David Bottorff 

Kimie Kester 

Andy Horbal 

Rebecca Pernell 

Laurence Mini 

Amelia Sutton 

Rameka Barnes 

Jana Freytag 

Discussion Items:








55MinSIG Survey results and what we want to do with them
  • Onboarding process
  • note taking
  • ....

Meeting Notes

  • The onboarding process
    • Keep in mind: people have different definitions for onboarding
    • Should include:
      • what is the point of this group
      • What does it mean to represent your institution
        • possible answer: the more different the institutions are the more universal the fix/feature
        • different pespectives and uses cases in regard to your specific work in your library
      • we see declining numbers here in the SIG - what could be the reason for this?
      • POs like to see SIGs more involved in bugfest and testing in general
      • What are the different roles in the project
      • deciver the project jargon and acronyms.
      • For onboarding could we demystify how new functionality gets proposed-released? So use a case study of a feature and all of the hands that contributed?
      • So a breakdown of what the sig is, what it does but how you may be able to best represent your institution.
      • What it means to ‘represent’ your institution may be something covered by PC, since its universal.
      • A flow chart or something - [displaying the different roles and groups and their relations in the projects]
      • Answering the question: where and who are we as a community - POs missing, many new institutions joining - missing dev ressources and low bugfest participation
      • Contributions to PO questions:
        • For PO’s a google form is sometimes helpful as I can share it with others.
        • It's sometimes hard to find people in our institutions to answer the spreadsheets in a short time
        • advanced agenda and/or topic announcment yould make it easier to have the right people for the right topics in the meetings Those active and presenting on the SIG.
        • Do we need some meetings to be asynchronous- watch a recorded presentation and then meet to discuss?
      • Also, who the key people are and what their roles are...  Practitioner or something else, etc.
        • Those active and presenting on the SIG.
      • Make the reccordings for the onboarding meetings available and distriute them (via a wiki page / Slack)

  • TOOLS:
    • Do we need FOLIO slack to be modified in anyway- so one for discussion and one for "business" log of announcements?
    • In "any way" such as one RA Sig slack for discussion and one for RA SIG channel just for announcements/core

  • Re-Prioritizing the older features and comment/work on them to make them fit for development
    • Cornelia and Jana look into

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