2023-09-21 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2023-09-21 Resource Access Meeting Notes


Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


Discussion Items:








Thomas Trutt 

Note taker:


11:02:33 From Tobi Hines To Everyone:
    That's not very convenient!
11:06:17 From Erin Weller To Everyone:
    In our prior system, we limited all requests to 10.
11:07:05 From Sarah Johnson To Everyone:
    If a library deals with a large amount of requests overall, they might want to limit the number per person based on staff bandwidth
11:07:16 From Susan Kimball To Everyone:
    We limited to 20 until the hold was fulfilled/cancelled
11:07:32 From Susan Kimball To Everyone:
    Reacted to "If a library deals w..." with 👍
11:07:46 From Karen White To Everyone:
    Can requests be limited by patron group?
11:07:54 From Erin Weller To Everyone:
    Good question Karen!
11:09:14 From David Bottorff - UChicago To Everyone:
    material type isn't relevant to us but loan type
11:09:16 From David Bottorff - UChicago To Everyone:
11:12:23 From Susan Kimball To Everyone:
    Reacted to "material type isn't ..." with 👍
11:14:34 From Erin Weller To Everyone:
    No I don't think we'd use that
11:15:06 From Erin Weller To Everyone:
    all of them
11:15:07 From Tobi Hines To Everyone:
    I would consider all of those open requests
11:15:10 From Susan Kimball To Everyone:
    Yes, all the open requests in FOLIO
11:15:17 From Claire Hoag (she/her) To Everyone:
    All of those
11:16:29 From Erin Weller To Everyone:
11:16:35 From Moentnish, Shirley J To Everyone:
    Yes, all the request.  If not found, we charge them to missing so they can go through ILL.
11:16:52 From Erin Weller To Everyone:
    yes again :)
11:16:54 From Susan Kimball To Everyone:
    Replying to "Yes, all the request..."
    Agreed, Shirley!
11:16:56 From Moentnish, Shirl