2023-01-19 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2023-01-19 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 


Thomas Trutt 

Laurence Mini 

David Bottorff 

Martina Tumulla 

Cornelia Awenius 

Kara Hart 

Amelia Sutton 

Kristina Dorrough 

Andrea Loigman 

Robert Scheier 

Thomas Paige 

Rebecca Pernell 

Discussion Items:








PO Assistance group

We will dedicate the alternating Thursday to this group.

PC Announcements:

  • All SIG members are invited to the Acquisitions SIG meeting on Tuesday, January 24, at 1 PM ET. Dan Huang and Maccabee Levine will be presenting on Lehigh's Patron Driven Acquisitions JIRA workflow. Details will be added to the Acquisitions SIG Agenda and Meeting Notes page.
  • To implement the full set of SIP2 standard messages in the existing FOLIO edge module UB Mainz has contracted Index Data and funds that work.



PO Assistance group

Collecting Ideas / brainstorming

  • Any questions from the previous session(s)?
  • Bugfest
    • (Re-)writing test cases
    • Make sure the tests get done
    • Answer questions
    • Submit bugs and follow-up

Meeting Notes

Julie has covered major topics how people can step up to support Product Owners and won't lead more regular meetings of this kind

we can have these on an ad hoc basis when people start to work regularly on features etc. and need feedback or people outside the regular SIG meetings will be brought in

a lot of test cases need updating - fees/fines, loans, courses, requests. Also, do you think there are tests that are missing?

screenshots can be put in, but they tend to be outdated fast

Cornelia will take care of the fee/fine/patron blocks part (and update test cases)  in Orchid bugfest, Holly provided detailed instructions

You can use them as guideline but please be aware that they are special to the fee/fines area https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WOugGsLl8Cn91kW0qZTKmyPbh6zq8n2pZgmJi71qmj0/edit