2023-12-07 Resource Access Meeting Notes
Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)
https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)
Discussion Items:
Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info/notes |
5Min | Administrivia | Cornelia Awenius |
| Note taker: Nina Morgenstern |
55 Min | Automatic renewals | David Bottorff | This is the continuation of the gap list working group meeting. Jira: Automatic renewals | Goal: enrich the Jira with use cases and description. Info: Notes: |
Meeting Notes
David summarizes the talks about automatic renewals of a former meeting:
- in scope: automatic renewal for fixed due date loans and rolling due date loans (hourly loans not clear yet)
- out of scope: not a process to batch editing due dates, not an improvement in performance for large numbers of renewals in UI
- automatic renewals need to follow all other policies and circ rules in use
- possibly a obstacle or might be a future bug: count of renewals gets incremented, even if automatic renewal was not successful and due date didn't change.
Further discussion:
Generally in the requirements we should define how the scheduling of these automatic renewals should be working, what the schedule it should be based on (due date?) and how granular it should be designed. Would there be a scheduling for automatic renewals immediately at check out?
Regarding the notices, an automatic renewal should be the triggering event for a notice sent out. Best case would be two different notices available: a successful renewal notice with all the loans renewed, listed with the new due date and a unsuccessful notice with all the loans not renewed listed and (maybe) the reason why not renewed, since this is already working now and returned via API (like recall, max no of renewals reached, membership expired etc.).
Should the