2023-05-08 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2023-05-08 Resource Access Meeting Notes


Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)



lisa perchermeier 

Susan Kimball 

Monica Arnold 

Tobi Hines 

Amelia Sutton 

Martina Tumulla 

Jana Freytag 

Cornelia Awenius 

Lara Moch (Unlicensed) 

Kimie Kester 

Thomas Trutt 

Laurence Mini 

Dwayne Swigert 

Kara Hart 

Christine Tobias 

Paivi Rentz

Don Todaro

Rebecca Pernell 

Discussion Items:








  • TLR introduction to User acceptance testing 11th May
  • SIG Onboarding 15th May
30MinPatron noticesAdding "User address" section to the patron notice tokens. Two questions:
  • Where to add those tokens - what looks and feels best?
  • Criterium for population = “Use as primary address” selected
Feature = Add "User address" as notice object, with 7 tokens

User address

  • user.deliveryAddressType
  • user.addressLine1
  • user.addressLine2
  • user.city
  • user.stateProvRegion
  • user.zipPostalCode
  • user.country

(Example from staff slips:


1] Where to put this section in the token modal:

2] Logic = Which address to select to put on the letter - Please shout if this would NOT work:

  1. Scenario:
  • Given: I have received an email, the notice template of which contains a token in the section "User address" + There is an address selected as "Use as primary address"
  • When: I look at the text of that token in the live email,
  • Then: I see the plain text name of the corresponding field as can be seen in the UI of Users.
    Example: In the email, for the token "user.deliveryAddressType", I see "Office", and NOT the UUID.

2. Scenario:

  • Given: I have received an email, the notice template of which contains a token in the section "User address"” + There is NO address selected as "Use as primary address"
  • When: I look at the text of that token in the live email,
  • Then: The token is empty.

Background: Hebis. Loans prepare a file to print for e.g. German Reminder Fees

Meeting Notes

Adding User Address section to patron notice tokens

  • Are there concerns about adding 7 user address tokens (essentially copying what is in staff slips) to the token modal under "User" section? This would push the Fine/Fee section lower, and could made the three columns somewhat lopsided
  • Is there a preference of scrolling within the modal vs. making the sections headings drop-downs or accordions? Preference seems to be for fewer clicks and just scrolling.
  • Hide tokens that are unselectable? Julie worries about the UI consequences.
  • How often are the templates edited?
  • Discussed adding a 4th column to the modal, but that looks very crowded when the browser window is reduced
  • Some discussion around which column will have more tokens added with future development; we suspect it will most likely be the "User" section - Julie to research.
  • Julie wonders: Do we even need a new section "User address", or can the 7 tokens just be added to the "User" section? - Question for the dev team.
  • It may make sense to add the Fine/Fee section to the middle column to make it less lopsided and so there would be less scrolling

Which address to select to put on the letter

  • Issues with addresses - don't have to have one (and what do we tell FOLIO to do if there isn't one)
  • Similarly, what address to we tell FOLIO to use if several are listed?
  • Proposal is to use the one marked "primary address", though again, don't have to have an address marked as primary so that token may be empty
  • Tom suggested putting a filter on the token itself: {{requester.city | Home}} / function that recognises this as a filter and returns the proper data. / Could potentially have it both ways.... (default vs. custom function)
  • At this stage: We'll go with "primary address" i.e. with the stories as they are currently written + Julie will check Tom's suggestion + there may be future developement to the Users UI to be able to configure/choose which address.

Laurence asked if there's an easy way to look up where each token's data comes from? The name of the tokens nearly copies the names of the fields in the back end