2023-04-20 Resource Access Meeting Notes
2023-04-20 Resource Access Meeting Notes
Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)
https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)
Discussion Items:
Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info/notes |
5min | Administrivia | First RA SIG onboarding meeting - open for all SIG members and those who are interested in becoming members
| ||
45Min | Planned features for Poppy | Feature overview slides |
Meeting Notes
- SIG announcement - 1st official onboarding session is May 15
- Poppy Release Features in Development (Steph and Julie)
- Requests (Steph)
- results list changes - addition of effective call number string and pickup service point
- Basic searching by call number (starts with)
- Columns are sortable
- Fees & Fines (Steph)
- actual cost billing usability enhancements
- Status filter to LOST ITEMS REQUIRING ACTUAL COST processing page
- Patron notices and staff slips (Julie)
- Notify user when items are charges actual cost aged to lost
- Bundle age to lost fee/fines into single notice when charging overnight
- Bundle overdue fines into a single notice when charging at check-in
- Notify user when actual cost is canceled upon return
- Add discovery display name as notice token
- Add loan type as token
- Add department (from user field) as staff slip token
- Add metadata info to template view and edit screens
- National Library of Australia has joined and is doing some dev work on staff slips
- Add service point for the effective location as staff slip token
- Add request date as staff slip token
- Non functional requirements (Steph)
- Some will be bumped from Poppy
- Various tests , root cause analysis, etc.
- Logging adjustments
- Discussion of meaning and implications of testing
- Demo of new request and fees and fines UI (Steph)
- Slides will be in meeting minutes and release notes
- Monday RA SIG meeting will likely be canceled and open discussion Thursday