2023-10-12 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2023-10-12 Resource Access Meeting Notes


Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


Erin Weller 

Laurence Mini 

Tara Barnett 

David Bottorff 

Kimie Kester 

Robert Heaton 

Thomas Trutt 

Tobi Hines 

Cheryl Malmborg 

Mark Canney 

Brooks Travis 

Nina Morgenstern 

Cornelia Awenius 

Jana Freytag 

Discussion Items:







Poppy Bug Fest October 23 - November 3rd

Claim your tests

Bug Fest R2 2023 Poppy - non-ECS

We are going to meeting for qu

Note taker: Erin Weller



Gap List - Planning and moving forwardall

Option 1: passive list

Option 2: active joint editing of individual features - one person writes the ticket the others work contribute content

Option 3: One person takes a feature and enriches it with content as a mini PO

Option 4: Small sub-working groups will be formed per feature, which will be enriched/worked on in a workshop-like manner under the direction of a mini-PO or group leader in biweekly meetings, during RA-SIG time, e.g. in break out sessions

  • Reviewed the 4 options on how to treat the Gap List moving forward.
  • We have chosen to go with Option 4.
    • Moving forward, we will work in small groups (break out sessions) on the various features on the Gap List.
    • More of a group effort but one person can act as a guide/leader. 
  • Let's pick 2-3 features to work on for our first workshop. 
    • Anonymous user ID token in notices and staff slips - Tara will take the lead on this one.
    • Automatic renewals - David will take the lead. 
      • Discussion: Is Bulk Renewal the same thing as Automatic Renewals? - No, this is different and needs to be developed separately.
      • Discussion: Do we work on similar features at the same time? - No, but we can make notes of others while we're working. 
    • Anonymization - Cornelia will take the lead.  
  • Jana will announce in the Slack channel that we will have this first workshop after Bug Fest (Thursday, November 9th) 

Meeting Notes

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