2023-01-23 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2023-01-23 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


Cornelia Awenius 

David Bottorff 

Thomas Trutt 

Holly Mistlebauer 

Nina Morgenstern 

Lara Moch (Unlicensed) 

Tobi Hines 

Laurence Mini 

Rameka Barnes 

Andy Horbal 

Erin Weller 

Kristina Dorrough 

Laszlo Jakusovszky 

Kimie Kester 

lisa perchermeier 

Andrea Loigman 

Dwayne Swigert 

Karen White 


Monica Arnold 

Jana Freytag 

Discussion Items:








PC Announcements:

  • All SIG members are invited to the Acquisitions SIG meeting on Tuesday, January 24, at 1 PM ET. Dan Huang and Maccabee Levine will be presenting on Lehigh's Patron Driven Acquisitions JIRA workflow. Details will be added to the Acquisitions SIG Agenda and Meeting Notes page.
  • To implement the full set of SIP2 standard messages in the existing FOLIO edge module UB Mainz has contracted Index Data and funds that work.

Implementers Group:

Hello new Members of the RA SIG 👋
So Happy to have you all, please feel free to contact Cornelia and me with any question you might have.
This document is our RA SIG Member Cheat Sheet which should provide you with some helpful info on getting started here: doc




Unassigned fee/fine/patron block features

Please add your priorities, comments and questions to https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/147XgutIUxeAOfiREcX81sNnfepB6sSL4MqSnqkuLKhs/edit#gid=0

Meeting Notes

Institutions please continue to add rankings to the spreadsheet. Comments and questions are also helpful for Holly, who will come back on the meeting of 1/30/2023 to continue going through future features. For the ranking, a simple 1-5 ranking system (1=most important, 5=least urgent)  suffices.

Holly closed some features as no longer needed or duplicates. See comments in the "Notes from meeting of 1/23" column". SIG members encouraged to look over features and comment if they think a closed feature is still something they want.

UXPROD-2149: Consensus that adding a new policy for item limits adds unneeded complexity, UXPROD-2250 is preferable way.

UXPROD 1858 and 499 are still relevant for libraries where he collection agency is used to get the patron to pay, but the patron pays the library.