2023-10-16 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2023-10-16 Resource Access Meeting Notes


Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


Axel Dörrer 

Magnus Andersson 

Kathrin Lorenz 


Erin Weller 

Elizabeth Chenette 

David Bottorff 

Tamara Kreß

Tara Barnett 

Robert Heaton 

Thomas Trutt 

Erin Weller 

Cheryl Malmborg 

Laurence Mini

Tobi Hines 

Nina Morgenstern 

Claire Hoag

Kimie Kester 
Martina Tumulla 

Catherine Tuohy 

lisa perchermeier 

Shirley Moentnish 

Dwayne Swigert 

Rameka Barnes 


Jana Freytag 

Discussion Items:







Bugfest 23rd Oct - 5th Nov

Claim your tests

All info here: Bug Fest R2 2023 Poppy - non-ECS

We are going to meeting for questions

List of UX / UI topics for us to discuss regularly: UX UI Topics Circ Apps

30MinLoan Comments

Present the poppy feature to the group

UXPROD-3913 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Meeting Notes

Julie and Jana talked about how Europe switch to winter time before the US. The meetings on October 30th and November 2nd are one hour earlier than usual if you are in Europe. The invites reflect the correct time.

Axel and Kathrin gave their presentation on loan comments.
Some tidbits:
Can’t change comments after they are added. If you add new patron info it will supersede the previous comment.
For staff info just add new info and you can track and see all the comments that have been added.
Loan comments are searchable by description in circulation log and there is also the option to filter by patron info added or staff info added.
Patron info can be added to notices with the token loan.additionalInfo.
Two new permissions are added: Users: User loans: add patron information and Users: User loans: add staff informaton.
It is expected to be part of Poppy and there are tests in bugfest.

David and Julie mentioned how it is a great way of extending the existing architecture/functionality and without breaking anything. There is also an option to opt out with permissions.

Kimie asked if there is a plan to have an Actions button at the top of the Loan Detail so that we do not have all of the multiple buttons?
Axel answered that it was out of scope for this small project, it is something for the SIG to be involved with. Julie added that UI topics like this is something for the SIG to consider. With less emphasis on a few centralized teams and more private funding to develop specific functions for an institution or service provider UI reviews is something the SIG can look into.

Julie asked that if there are new features in Poppy that you are particularly interested in go to Bugfest and try them out. The sooner issues are found the sooner they can be fixed and make sure that Poppy gets released on time. Feel free to reach out to Julie if you have (especially circulation related) any questions and if you need more data to test, she has access to a pre Bugfest instance.

Regarding patron notices David brought up the possibility of using the token for patron info to send manual ad hoc messages. Not high priority but a nice to have feature.

Laurence asked if there is any indication if you for example renew an item with staff info, or do you have to check in loan details? No there is no indication, you have to check in loan details. Cheryl adds that you have to distinguish between what you want to put in staff info and what you want in a check-in note. Suggestions were made that maybe an option could be to add an asterisk.

Axel mentioned that the possibility of using patron info in discovery systems was discussed in the german meeting.  He also said that there have been discussions on if adding patron info could be used as a trigger for notices as well. At this point this they said no, it is to easy to make a mistake and send something that is not correct. Also added that maybe more improvements can be done for searching.