2023-08-31 Resource Access Meeting Notes


Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


Shirley Moentnish

Thomas Trutt 


Susan Kimball 

David Bottorff 

Erin Weller 

Robert Heaton 

Cheryl Malmborg 

Laurence Mini 

Tobi Hines 

Elizabeth Chenette 

Catherine Tuohy

lisa perchermeier 

Amelia Sutton

Dwayne Swigert 

Karen White 

Rameka Barnes 


Jana Freytag 

Discussion Items:








Note taker: lisa perchermeier 

Open Discussion round


WOLFCon Recap

Gap List discussions

Meeting Notes


Vacation Jana: next 3 Weeks

Next Monday: SIG Meeting cancelled (US Labor Day)

Open Discussion Round

Recap WolfCon

Jana: RA Meetings were well attended


TLR: Feature exists but there´s still a way to go – Steph Bucks will bring it forward

Biggest bug: Allowing of holds regardless of the circ rules

Discussion: Interaction between TLR and pages. Question: Which might be the optimal functioning for different scenarios (libraries)?

David: Development of features like Dashboard, Workflows, Reporting brings chances but also the risk of double work/parallel development – communication between the different stakeholders is necessary

Jana: Concernes that communication might be necessary to avoid double work please reach out to Jana or Martina, they can bring the topic to the App Interaction SIG

Susan: Lists App, Workflows App, and Dashboard should work together to create synergies but there is the risk of parallel development.

Development in silos, different dev teams and commercial players who develop to meet customers’ needs make it necessary to communicate to avoid parallel development.

Julie: Many workarounds were developed – these should be collected to avoid double work

Idea: Workaround session in RA SIG

Karen: Awareness of a discrepancy between how many institutions are creating APIs versus development that is available in Folio.

WolfCon – meetings were very IT focused. Maybe more practical sessions would bring in more frontline staff and their experience

Group: Encourage everyone to ask questions in SIG or Slack

PO Session: Install better connection between PO Group and Convener-Group

RA Session: Gap list:

Walk through the list.

Trying to find people who are responsible for a certain feature.

Jana adds column ‘Name (to guide the feature)’ (person who is responsible for the feature, to collect information, bring it into the SIG and to update the Jira (with Julie’s help if needed)

Proposal Susan: Combine colums ‘institution added first’ and ‘institution interested’ – Jana will do ( ‘+1 Name/Institution’)

Jana and Julie can help bringing people together, contact others…

If you know people interested in this work please spread the news

Gap list is still open (might also help to find others having the same needs)