2023-04-27 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2023-04-27 Resource Access Meeting Notes


Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)



Cornelia Awenius 

Magnus Andersson 

Thomas Trutt 

Laurence Mini 

Karen White 

Erin Weller 

Tobi Hines 

Andy Horbal 

Brooks Travis 

lisa perchermeier 

Cheryl Malmborg 

Nina Morgenstern 

Martina Tumulla 

Dwayne Swigert 

Shirley Moentnish 

Kara Hart 

Paivi Rentz

Rebecca Pernell 

Susan Kimball

Jana Freytag 

Discussion Items:








First RA SIG onboarding meeting - open for all SIG members and those who are interested in becoming members


Steph Buck is planning title level request user acceptance testing for May 15-26. She has 5 people interested so far, and would like as many testers as possible. Please reach out on slack or email (ssbuck@ebsco.com) if you or your teams would like to participate.

An update on active Subgroups:

CDL is the only active Subgroup at the moment



55MinOpen Discussion Roundall

Meeting Notes

 Open discussion

  • Which subgroups are active?
    • CDL - may be only active subgroup.  Suggested they be asked for an update
    • Refunds - seems inactive since Holly(?) left.  Future of fine/fees may have some features resulting from this groups activity. 
    • Title Level - active but not meeting. 
  • Status of patron notices for bursar transfer and message tokens? (Laurence)
    • stalled due to low priority. Julie happy to help anyone wanting to pursue increasing priority with a JIRA (Julie)
    • Internal Transfer process (Thomas)
      • found the process stopped when # of users were greater than 10,000.  Does not work in batches.
      • cycle gathers all patron groups and cycles through each to find those with fees/fines and this is where it failed
      • Thomas has external script to transfer funds and another for refund processing that is mostly working for them at scale of 7-20 transactions per week. 
  • Is this a bug with fine/fees? (Susan)
    • Item checked out.  In open loans "Add new fine/fee" to add actual cost (not FOLIO actual cost) to an item.  Upon return the fee remains on patron account.  In meantime, item is again checked out. Staff waives/pays the added fine/fee and the item goes into "Lost/Paid" status, even though linked to a completely different loan.  
    • yes a bug. A JIRA will be opened.
    • There could be an easier way to add these fines than the current workflow.
    • Using this method since equipment checkouts have such different default costs.  Suggestion to use different material types to get these items in different circ rules that have different default costs.   Ranges used for different equipment. $50, $150, $500, $1500 etc.  and put items in the closest group. (Thomas)