ERM Sprint 101

ERM Sprint 101

Sprint Goal / Focus

Sprint Schedule

  • Sprint: 101
  • Release: Honeysuckle / Iris
  • Quarter: 2021 Q1
  • Start Monday 2 Nov
  • Finish Friday 13 Nov

Sprint Capacity

Team AvailabilitySchedule | Calendar

Notes / Exceptions:

Lead Roles:

QA Environment: folio-snapshot


 Sprint Planning Agenda
  1. Sprint Goal / Focus
  2. Sprint Capacity
  3. Review sprint candidates 
  4. Agree technical approach / define key implementation tasks
  5. Finalise estimates / costings
  6. Confirm sprint scope
  7. Confirm first actions

Sprint Planning  

(error) - not in sprint

(tick) or @ - in sprint 


Sprint Focus

Honeysuckle BugFest issues for ERM

  • Aim is to do fewer patch releases.
  • Review schedule for patch release on Wed 4 Nov.

key summary assignee priority status resolution

Feature IDIssue IDSprint Backlog?

Notes / Estimates / Actions

ERM-1202 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Unknown: only tenant (server) timezone has been adjusted, not device/browser (client) settings. 

UI (date widget fields) sends and saves a date to something different to what is entered. Appears to be at any time. Can be replicated on honeysuckle and snapshot environments. 

  • Not US daylight saving (verified on call)
  • Potentially relates to non-localised date handling in stripes-erm-components
  • Potentially related: UXPROD-2779


  • Debug in stripes-erm-components
  • Reach out to John Coburn for a fix in the date component

ERM-1201 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Not UI related: related Slack conversation

Grails 4 introduces a change to how flush works.

This issue is more about multiple / forced flushes. 

Error: EntityExistsException when editing an amendment after the first edit. 

All toolkit libraries are same as mod-agreements/mod-licenses. 


  • remove unnecessary flushes on dataload

ERM-1203 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Happening on Honeysuckle but not snapshot. 

Multiple agreement lines appear if there are multiple packages to which the title belongs. 

@ostephens to 


  • recreate with new understanding of issue
  • update description 

ERM-1193 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-1192 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Claudia Malzer

See discussion in 2020-10-28 ERM Weekly Delivery Update

Quickfix is to bump the max pick list length to 100, which should be more than sufficient for normal use case.  

ERM-1197 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Already fixed. Just awaiting patch release. 

ERM-1199 - Getting issue details... STATUS

To be resolved as documentation. 

ERM-1198 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Owen StephensFixed as part of stripes-connect 6.0.1. In sprint for QA.

ERM-1196 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ui.license.picklist.manage is needed to both view and manage pickLists

licenses.refdata.collection.view needs to be added to the licenses.terms.manage overarching permission set.

needs to in the backend also. 

For testing, would need to be manually added to okapi to avoid waiting for environment to be built.

ERM-1195 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Needs re-checking.

Also to verify with supplementary documents in agreements. 

ERM-1200 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Brought Forward

Feature IDIssue IDSprint Backlog?

Notes / Estimates / Actions

UXPROD-1759 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-1047 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Pending wireframes for ERM-1036. 

Also  need a UI for URL sampling. 

Also dependent on ERM-1048 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-1759 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-1048 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Lower priority than Honeysuckle bugfixes during this sprint. 

Options include: 

  • automatic updates (will take longer as this is causing sequencing issues)
  • scheduled timer (quicker, but less discriminate)

UXPROD-1759 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-1156 - Getting issue details... STATUS

In QA.

ERM-1151 - Getting issue details... STATUS ERM-1186 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-1184 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Previously waiting on wireframes - now pending wireframe review with PO. 

ERM-1188 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Integration tests are failing. 

Brought In

Feature IDIssue IDSprint Backlog?

Notes / Estimates / Actions

ERM-1204 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ERM-1213 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Ethan Freestone


Feature IDIssue IDSprint Backlog?

Notes / Estimates / Actions


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