2018-09-20 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2018-09-20 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion items

25min Data elements review 
10minRecently returned/Shelving lag time
20minWireframes for Missing


Darcie – v. 1 solution for printing problems.  Work around that can hit a key to trigger printing from the check-in screen and modal should go away. David says that you don't want to assign the enter but rather a different key.  If you change the default printer will it hold that printing setting.

Emma – item information – can use link from loan to item to see things like material type, loan type, and location; use change tracker to see history of this information; required for reporting; some way to get to material type, loan type, and location at the time of loan

if link between loan and item is broken – retain any info about the item (title, author) on the loan itself; data migration analysis shows those fields as only bring in OLE; it this a problem in other systems that FOLIO should solve?

Information needed for reporting and fines and fees; effective location is necessary to have stored at the time of the loan.

Edit mode doesn't lock down particular fields.  Item record provides an option for marking an item missing; should there be a confirmation screen?

Users service point or location – we assign staff users a service point or location.  should we be able to assign users to a service point or location?  We can't see a significant need for this but we should keep this flexible for the future.

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