Quesnalia Documentation Preview - will go live in documentation once Quesnalia is released.
Acquisitions - Additional topics - Orders Status
What is workflow status and why is it significant?
Which fields are editable when an order is open?
How does FOLIO know when to close an order as ‘Complete’?
Sara Colglazier 12:12 PM Or, maybe could you also pin the link to the slack channel?
Can share it through Slack and share once published.
May be delaying Quesnalia by about a week or two.
The calendar hasn't been updated yet, but the GA should have been yesterday: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/REL/pages/5210714/Quesnelia+R1+2024
Quesnalia Release Highlights
Dennis Bridges / Joe Reimers
Update to structure of release notes in FOLIO wiki.
For Quesnalia release - series of wiki pages focused on different aspects of the release.
Way transactions are processed in Quesnalia is different
Refactored logic used to create transactions against budgets in FOLIO
No longer possible to partially approve an invoice or partially open an order - no longer possible to have a failure in the operations that results in a transaction being created anyways.
Approval will be much faster and reliability will be much better
Impacts APIs - endpoints will be deprecated and replaced by a single endpoint
Added field labeled “Display summary” - repurposed field in receiving. New field added to enumeration data accordion on item record.
Contents of display summary from piece are added to contents of display summary in item record
More meaningful integration with serials management
Molly Driscoll 12:23 PM If display summary is included on an item record, is it incorporated into the effective call number for the item like enumeration and chronology are?
Dennis Bridges 12:35 PM Yes indeed it is It is also exported via data export or RtAC
Sara Colglazier 12:24 PM Sorry if I missed it, but what does "on the spin" mean?
Should be “on the spine” - slide regarding Piece “Display Summary” field data
Initial iteration. - No automated receiving associated with this yet.
Provided additional statuses for piece record that indicate that a piece is late.
Transition of status is managed by system.
One piece has exceeded expected receipt date by interval determined by title that piece is associated with - set to status of late. (12 PM according to system time zone setting).
Can delay a claim and set a new interval.
Can send a claim and indicate an interval associated with claim sent.
Within a piece record there is a status log.
Allows you to keep track of what is happening with a given piece.
Ultimate status will be received or unreceivable (separate accordion).
Can filter by statuses and export all of the data to CSV if desired.
Susanne Gill (BVB) 12:30 PM Claim is sent via?
~:40 - Can get claiming information from export. Currently no automated claiming. EDIFACT and email as future possibilities.
Privileged donor information accordion - separately privileged allows you to keep track of more sensitive donor information
Once an organization has been defined as a donor have also updated funds and POLs to assign donors within records
Deprecated donor box in POLs.
Molly Driscoll 12:36 PM Will values from the free-text field being deprecated need to be moved to the new accordion or will that field be preserved/searchable, just no longer editable?
Will be deleted some time in 2025. Currently no longer editable. Can’t easily transfer one to the other because it is a free-text field.
Should be able to get a story created with this detail.
FOLIO could just ask - do you want to update the material supplier in related POLs?
Molly Driscoll 12:54 PM Access provider for e-materials
Aaron Neslin - in theory you could have an access provider and a material supplier on the same PO
Select options from drop-down in a modal.
Kristin Martin - Sounds like they are using Material Supplier as a workaround for not seeing vendor in POL. Maybe solution is to see vendor in Header or somewhere else.
Sara Colglazier 12:59 PM I would love to have it at the top!