2024-06-25 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Jun 25, 2024


Aaron Neslin

Joe Reimers

Rachel Sneed

Alissa Hafele

Julie Stauffer

Rebekah Silverstein

Ann Crowley

Kimberly Pamplin

Rhonda Fuhrmann

Anne Campbell

Kimberly Wiljanen

Sabrina Bayer

Daniel Huang

Kristin Martin

Sara Colglazier

Daniel Welch

Lisa Maybury

Sara Luttrell

Dennis Bridges

Lisa Smith

Susie Skowronek

Dung-Lan Chen

Lucinda Williams

Suzette Caneda

Dwayne Swigert

Martina Schildt

Sylvia Hamann

Heather McMillan

Masayo Uchiyama

Timothy Nelson

Heiko Schorde

Okay Okonkwo

Victoria Anderson

Jackie Magagnosc

Paivi Rentz


Jean Pajerek

Peter Breternitz



Current: Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Housekeeping -

  • WOLFCon 2024 (September 24-26, Senate House, Univ. of London) preliminary agenda link (more info about WOLFCon 2024 see here)

  • Next meeting - Tuesday, July 2, at 1 pm Eastern

  • Friday, July 5th meeting - on or off?!

Business -













  • Housekeeping -

    • WOLFCon 2024 (September 24-26, Senate House, Univ. of London) preliminary agenda link (more info about WOLFCon 2024 see here)

    • Next meeting - Tuesday, July 2, at 1 pm Eastern

    • Friday, July 5th meeting - on or off?! Many U.S. people will be off Thursday and will probably take Friday off. Canada has the Monday as a holiday.

      • We will cancel Friday, July 5th meeting.



  • Discuss "Order line status NOT updated when paying against previous Fiscal Year" MODORDERS-1142 (Dennis Bridges)

  • There are two issues we (Dev team) have been refining.

  • https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/MODORDERS-1143

  • At the moment it’s possible for payment status or receipt status of a pol to be updated even when the order record is closed.

    • ex you close a po before receiving everything. Then, after closing you receive remaining items. Then receipt status is updated to fully received.

  • Other possibility, paying an additional invoice against an order that is already closed. PO is closed, but one or more POL’s is awaiting payment. It’s possible that the payment will will update the order status to fully paid or partially paid. If it goes to partially paid, it might reopen the order.

  • Sara Colglazier 12:11 PM
    For Ongoing Orders, if I cancel at the PO level, then the POL(s) remains Ongoing, so I always then need to update that after … And actually it would be great if then my options were not just: Cancelled … Or is this in the works?

    • Sounds like you are talking about 1 time orders. There are problems with ongoing orders around this but they are different.

    • Dennis: Shouldn’t run into this with ongoing orders.

    • Sara: If I make my po complete, the pol stays ongoing. So want to make it clear the issue being discussed now is for one time orders.

  • Dennis: If an order is closed, processing invoices or receiving materials, should have no impact on the status of the order. If it’s closed, it should remain closed, unless the user manually reopens the record.

    • Sara: Yes, if I process an unexpected credit on a closed order, I wouldn’t want it to reopen the order.

  • Dennis: One thing that has complicated it, if you cancel an invoice. Have a one time order for 1 thing. Pay invoice for 1 thing. Order is closed. Then for some reason need to cancel the invoice. At the moment the system will update the status of the purchase order line and reopen the order because the status will go from fully paid to awaiting payment or partially paid.

    • Sara: That seems logical.

  • Dennis: Can users think of any other situations where you might expect an order that is closed to automatically reopen?

    • Kristin Martin: I think we are trying to predict too much. I see what you are saying, but would it be better to make it an option to have it pop up… “if you do this, do you want to reopen the order?” For many reasons, we have orders in our system orders that say they aren’t fully received and they are. But I can’t change the receipt status without reopening the order (the order is closed.).

    • Sara: At least have a warning pop up that the action will open the order.

    • Aaron Neslin 12:26 PM
      that other LSP calls it's processes "exception based worklows"

  • Dennis: 2nd story

    • We have now implemented, allowed users to pay against previous fiscal years.

    • https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/MODORDERS-1142

    • Mod orders 1142 order line status not updated when paying against previous fiscal year.

    • The money was encumbered in year 1, but didn’t get it processed until year 2. But you're processing it for year 1, and will close as if in year 1. At the moment when you process the invoice the status of the order will not automatically update. In this scenario we assume you want the status to update to fully paid. Are there any scenarios where you would be paying an invoice in a similar way, but not expecting the status to change?

      • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:33 PM
        It's possible we'd need to process a credit in the previous year.

      • Sara: It depends…

    • Dennis: received helpful feedback. Sara requested future discussion on ongoing orders having the same problem.


Backlog feature


Thunder Jet Backlog analysis

  • UXPROD-3227

  • Receive material on approval of invoice

  • Allow users to choose to receive all pieces when paying an invoice

  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:44 PM
    I would like this for approval orders - it's a lot of clicking to receive every item.

  • Julie Stauffer 12:44 PM
    My only concern is if there is a receiving note to a specific POL. How would that be handled?

  • Okay - would not like it done automatically

  • Joe: If you don’t go to the receiving app, you wont see if there is any routing for the material.

  • Rebekah Silverstein 12:47 PM
    I guess if it is shelf ready stuff that already has been processed or if its Ebooks, maybe it would be good to be able to select receive when invoice is approved.

  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:47 PM
    I'm only interested in this for our approval shipments.  Not other kinds of orders.

  • Joe: So there is interest in seeing this developed, but needs additional refinement.


Backlog feature


  • Thunder Jet Backlog analysis

  • UXPROD-3917

  • Scan barcode at point of receipt and mark material as received

  • Current situation or problem: User must type barcode into piece/item at point of receipt. User is not able to scan a barcode to mark the material as received. This slows receiving workflows.

  • Kristin Martin 12:50 PM
    We add barcodes to items, but I believe the barcode reader successfully scans the barcode? There are two workflows. If a piece is not shelf ready, then at receipt we add the barcode. The question that Scott is thinking of, is shelf ready pieces that come with a barcode is you scan the barcode for the piece in receiving and it just brings up the piece and you mark it as received.

  • Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:51 PM
    This could be helpful for shelf ready shipments

  • Kristin: If you go to the receiving app, have search and filter, I am thinking it would be nice to have a ‘barcode’ option in the search and filter by list. But I don’t know if the barcode is already in the receiving record.

  • Joe: You can’t receive an item if an item hasn’t been created yet because the piece hasn’t been received.

  • Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:59 PM
    But the piece does know about the barcode with shelf ready since the bar code comes with the shelf ready record.

  • Discussion to be continued

 Action items
