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:01 | Housekeeping | Dung-Lan | Reminder - Dennis & Joe have Sprint meeting conflicts that they are only available for the first half hour of our Friday meeting. Aaron has conflicts today that he can't attend. One meeting next week, Tuesday, Sept. 17th, at 1 pm EST No meetings the week of Sept. 23rd due to WOLDFCon 2024
| Claiming
| Joe Reimers
| Some libraries might have single vendor, but have to do different types of claiming depending on various circumstances. May need multiple claim integrations - different account #s, different for firm vs. ongoing, claims that go to different places, etc. How to configure which integration goes with what type of order? Do we do that in the integration itself? Or do we go to the POL and say use this integration to claim. How to associate integration with a specific claim? Maybe by order type? One-time and Ongoing Do they have the same account? Kristin Martin 8:08 AM For us, they have different sub-accounts Where are the sub-accounts stored? Sara Colglazier 8:09 AM For us subaccounts as well, but more than 2, too Julie Stauffer 8:09 AM I am not certain there is reliable consistency that would allow exact matching in all cases Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:09 AM We also have different subaccounts Sara Colglazier 8:09 AM We have 3 subaccounts for Ongoing Orders for GOBI, for example Kristin Martin 8:10 AM You don't want to know how many GOBI subaccounts we have. Peter Sbrzesny | VZG 8:10 AM Usually there are separate accounts for monographs and subscriptions Sara Colglazier 8:11 AM And you can have different subaccounts for subscriptions and what we think of as standing orders, and both are Ongoing orders in FOLIO
Define default integration and then match on subaccount with a dropdown of accounts could work Account matching that would override the default Right now with order integration matches on account number, do the same thing with claiming? For order export, acq method determines whether particular order line should be automatically exported or not. E.g. - For purchase, automate export should equal true. We have claim active, on order by order basis can choose which orders we would like to claim. Similar relationship between acquisition method and whether you would do claiming or not? Or not a similar situation? Since this looks like it will be a new accordion within organizations, this will not effect integrations already set up to use for ingesting invoicing for example? Completely separate. Integration type will be ordering and claiming. Eventually may add invoicing. Basically integration is a certain type ordering OR claiming. One or the other so cannot fight with each other. Are adding ability to duplicate integration. Can duplicate order integration and change to claim if that would be helpful.
~:16 - All routed through export manager. Add transmission method of download to create file. If you don’t have ftp and email not fully developed will always be able to download a file and email to vendor. Sounds like we will be able to leverage account number to specify claiming
: | Acquisitions Integration small group meetings & progress | Dennis Bridges | Update on Acquisitions Integration small group meetings & progress Value stream map - flow of information from one entity to another. Process underneath that. How workflow is actually carried out: select vendor, select material, create order, etc. Best to break down value stream map. Have more than one based on order type. In next meeting talk about high level workflow Take workflows and break down time components. Once a clearer picture of where users spend their time in acquiring monographs and ongoing orders, then will review all suggested enhancements for integration. Uncover what parts of workflow enhancements are targeting and assign impact score Looking for opportunities to improve acquisitions workflow through integrations May surface other enhancements as well Can absolutely still participate if interested. Send Dennis a slack message and he will add you to scheduling invitation. - Will look for time after WOLFCon Will these priorities impact or change topics already voted on? Will be totally separate from voting in JIRA. Not a way of prioritizing, but trying to assign an impact score, which basically is: How much of an impact would this thing make to our workflow? (Time saving, improved accuracy/fewer errors, quality of life, etc.) Summarize this as a number. Voting process - 1-5 scale. Will have some discussion and try to reach a consensus Just specific to integration discussion, will not appear in JIRA. Will help organize thoughts on what are the most important things.
Meetings are being recorded, but recorded with company Teams. Think those can be pulled out and posted(?) Eventually will be JIRAs for things assigned impact score.
:31 | PC Update | Kristin Martin | |