Featuring looking at for Sunflower release
Introduced claiming with Quesnalia and now want to expand on it
Configure integrations in organization record to permit claiming and allow it to go via EDIFACT and email claiming
Bjorn introduced email ordering
Plan is to collaborate to ensure consistency
Is there a valid integration or not?
Do people want to do manual review of all claims?
Susanne Gill (BVB) 8:08 AM
I'm sorry, I have no voice today..got a cold. There is interest in automatic claiming
Peter Sbrzesny | VZG 8:08 AM
Same here at GBV
Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:09 AM
MSU would review claim POLs prior to sending them out.
Desire to have it configurable
Peter - ~:9 - interested in automatic claiming. Most claims are sent automatically. In some cases (standing orders/subs) librarians like to review claims before they are sent out. Would prefer that both capabilities are available.
If you want to set up automatic claiming, would you want that per vendor or per PO line?
Used to getting all claims via POL not per vendor.
Would be good opportunity if possible. When ordering from certain countries takes a lot of time.
Default autoclaim per vendor w/ POL override?
Makes sense to do the process at the organization level - organization with multiple claims will receive a single EDIFACT file. Also makes sense to send one email with multiple claims in that email.
Have receiving manage what needs to happen - hand it off to integration and let the integration handle the rest.
Automatic claiming interval is it something we can set or determine? How frequently will the automatic claiming run?
Will define further as we get closer
Already claim interval defined at the POL level / Vendor
When claim interval passes - piece would become automatically claimable. Will respect that work and build on it.
Peter Sbrzesny | VZG 8:14 AM
I think it is good to send all claims for a vendor as one mail or EDI message
Will need some kind of review/don’t review status - process will run every night and look at status to see if they are ready to be clai