Review a question related to EDIFACT claiming (Joseph Reimers)
Joe wants feedback
Use export manager to handle export
Any objection to changing the job type from edifax orders export to EDI orders because it’s an EDI file ,which is a specific job type of job. Claiming will be parts of orders.
Looking for ideas on how to fill time in meeting as we are getting towards the end of implementers topics.
Maybe have a ‘lab’ where people bring questions?
Martina Schildt 8:33 AM I like your idea @Dung-Lan Chen.
Often when people ask questions in slack, don’t always see anyone respond. Owen said that a po can answer in theory, but people that are using the system having that discussion help the developers see if there is something they are missing and need to fix.
Scott Perry: Many are using LD Light, but if you have a large dataset LD light probably wouldn’t work well since it’s hitting the API’s directly, but for small things it’ll work.