2024-04-30 Acquisitions Meeting notes - Quesnalia Release Highlights
Apr 26, 2024
Aaron Neslin | Joanna Cerro | Lisa Smith | Robert Heaton |
Ann Crowley | Joe Reimers | Lucinda Williams | Sara Colglazier |
Anne Campbell | John Banionis | Martina Schildt | Scott Perry |
Daniel Welch | Julie Stauffer | Mary Moran | Stephanie Larrison |
Dennis Bridges | Kathleen Norton | Masayo Uchiyama | Susanne Gill |
Dung-Lan Chen | Kimberly Pamplin | Molly Driscoll | Susie Skowronek |
Dwayne Swigert | Kimberly Smith | Nancy Pelis | Suzette Caneda |
Heiko Schorde | Kimberly Wiljanen | Okay Okonkwo | Sven Thomsen |
Jackie Magagnosc | Kristin Martin | Rachel Sneed | Sylvia Hamann |
Jean Pajerek | Linh Chang | Rhonda Fuhrmann | Timothy Nelson |
Housekeeping -
Reminder -
Reminder - voting to prioritize acq-sig-topics (see also Jan. 16 meeting agenda for instructions if needed)
Log for more specifics needed for on-screen messages/text seen in Acquisitions Apps page (discussed briefly in Friday, Apr. 26, meeting) - take a look and share any feedback you may have
Next meeting - Tuesday, May 7 at 1 pm Eastern
Business -
Quesnealia Relelase Highlights (Dennis)
If time allows, possibly discuss Implementers Topics if POs don't have anything else specific they'd like to discuss with the group