2024-06-07 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2024-06-07 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Jun 7, 2024


Aaron Neslin

Kimberly Pamplin

Sabrina Bayer

Ann Crowley

Kimberly Wiljanen

Sara Colglazier

Daniel Welch

Kristin Martin

Sara Luttrell

Dung-Lan Chen

Linh Chang

Scott Perry

Dwayne Swigert

Lisa Maybury

Susie Skowronek

Heather McMillan

Lisa Smith

Sven Thomsen

Jackie Magagnosc

Lucinda Williams

Sylvia Hamann

Jean Pajerek

Martina Karlsson

Timothy Nelson

Joe Reimers

Okay Okonkwo

Victoria Anderson

Julie Stauffer

Owen Stephens


Kathleen Norton

Peter Breternitz



  • Housekeeping -

    • Next meeting, Tuesday, June 11th, at 1 pm Eastern - second FYRO session (please post your FYRO related questions ahead of time if possible)

    • Business -

      • Continue to discuss/prioritize feature backlog jiras (Jos Reimers) until POs have to leave the meeting

      • Use the remaining time to discuss FYRO after Kristin's PC Update

      PC Update (Kristin Martin) - 2024-05-30 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes

      • We are reviewing topics from "Things that could be better about FOLIO" to reflect on action taken and areas that are still priorities for work













  • Housekeeping -

    • Next meeting, Tuesday, June 11th, at 1 pm Eastern - second FYRO session (please post your FYRO related questions ahead of time if possible)

    • UAT for routing slips will start on Monday, June 10th and opens thru Friday, June 14th, please participate if you can

    • FYI - Production Libraries - How to Report Bugs (from Support SIG)

    • In July will be doing a UAT for Bindery support


  • UXPROD-2562

  • UXPROD-2562

    • Allow users to categorize group records in the finance app.

    • This feature proposes adding categories to groups in the finance application so that it’s easy to identify how groups relate to each other.

    • Any questions or comments about this proposed work?

      • Scott Perry (UChicago) 8:07 AM
        Very interested


  • UXPROD-2565


  • UXPROD-2565

  • create requests for newly ordered items automatically from the POL

  • Sara Colglazier 8:09 AM
    I would love to be able to do that--place the hold at the POL opening!

    • 5 thumbs up to this comment

  • Aaron Neslin 8:10 AM
    I think UMass would like this

  • Sara suggested a model instead of an accordion.

  • Scott Perry (UChicago) 8:11 AM
    Is the requester stored in perpetuity?

    • Joe: Probably not, thinking of it as a temporary holding place then once the po is opened and the requests are triggered then that will get emptied out.

    • Scott Perry (UChicago) 8:15 AM
      I'm concerned about privacy issues.

    • Scott Perry (UChicago) 8:15 AM
      Agreed to a temporary holding place.

  • Sara would like to always know that there was originally a hold on the pol. They have a fund code with an expense class, that is tied to a user request. Would like it to be tracked without knowing the fund code. They keep track of how much they spend on requests. Would also like it to be more obvious in orders that there's a hold. Also in receiving, to have it trigger a pop up that there is a hold.

  • Sara Colglazier 8:20 AM
    We do the same with the Receiving Note

  • Joe: We do have routing going into UAT next week. This may work as a temporary work around

  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:21 AM
    +1 Dung-Lan - we also note "Notify" in our receiving note and also use a "Notify" tag when we are ordering a patron-requested item

  • Overall, high interest in this functionality.





  • UXPROD-2894

  • Add “suppress from discovery' option to inventory interactions from order.

  • Sara: I can see how this would be useful for institutions that do this. With the 5 colleges, this would need to be done from the Tenant level. If I didn’t realize that Smith already had it, I could be adding another one.

  • Aaron Neslin 8:25 AM
    yeah, I think we wouldn't want people to suppress a holding/instance that had already been created

  • Kimberly Pamplin 8:25 AM
    We would find the suppress option useful at A&M when we create brief records.

  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:25 AM
    We do suppress some instances, and it would be a nice feature to have from the point of order.

  • Joe: There are several options and will need further refinement and a requirement analysis on this just because there are so many use cases.

  • Kimberly Pamplin 8:26 AM
    We would suppress instance at point of order for electronic

  • Joe: There is interest in this functionality.


PC Update


  • PC Update (Kristin Martin) - 2024-05-30 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes

    • We are reviewing topics from "Things that could be better about FOLIO" to reflect on action taken and areas that are still priorities for work

    • Q flower has been released. Anyone on it already?

      • Owen Stephens 8:30 AM
        That would be speedy!
        I expect everyone desperate to upgrade to get the new serials module ;)


FY Rollover




  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:36 AM
    I run a csv file of one-time open orders and work on closing as many as we can.

  • Scott Perry (UChicago) 8:38 AM
    We pull a list of pols that are paid but not received and close them using the APIs.

  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:39 AM
    We occasionally find POLs that are fully paid and fully received, but the PO is 'open.'

  • Sara: Question for Chicago, The po’s that are paid but not received, one time orders, you want them closed so they don’t roll…

  • Scott: 2 years ago every order that had ever been created had been rolled over with a zero encumbrance, which led to about 50 hours of processing. Now it takes about 10 hours, Doesn’t want to have anything potentially creating problems.

  • Dung-Lan Chen 8:43 AM
    Maybe that's why all orders (closed or open) all have the same update date as the last rollover date. Closed orders should be ignored during FYRO process in my opinion.

  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:46 AM
    We when closed in FY22, our encumbrance blew up after FYRO.  It was much improved in FY23!  I think FOLIO enhancements and our record clean up made the difference.

  • Sara: There are different filters in the orders tab and in the the order line tab. Would be great to for some of the filters offered in the orders tab to be in the order line tab. Especially would like to see order type filter on the order line to distinguish which order lines are one time or ongoing. I want to see the titles too, not just the po information.

    • Lisa Smith, Mich State: Agree, Sara - it would be nice to be able to filter down more, using both PO & POL filters at the same time!

    • Dung Lan asked Sara to screen share what this looks like (filter options) in our next meeting to document the need.

    • Sara: Would like to advocate a way to apply tags in a batch way. Filter a certain way, then add a tag to all the results. Example. Around January, have paid for most ongoing subscriptions. Would like to keep track of the orders that haven’t paid for yet. Would run a report using LD light to figure out which ones haven’t been paid for then she adds a tag. Then as the invoice gets paid, she removes the tag. Right now no way to figure out in folio filtering what hasn’t been paid.

    • Scott Perry (UChicago) 8:53 AM
      We use reporting for those sorts of questions, but I agree that it would be nice to have better filtering.
      I think anything cross app is difficult in the interface.

    • Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:55 AM
      +1 on bulk tagging, Sara

      • 1 thumbs up to the comment

    • Sara Colglazier 8:57 AM
      It may only be really useful/helpful for smaller libraries with fewer people and no access to things like LDP etc …

 Action items


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