2024-10-22 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2024-10-22 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Oct 22, 2024


Aaron Neslin

Kathleen Norton

Sabrina Bayer

Alissa Hafele

Kimberly Pamplin

Sara Colglazier

Ann Crowley

Kimberly Smith

Scott Perry

Daniel Huang

Kimberly Wiljanen

Shay Swindlehurst

Daniel Welch

Lauren Seney

Stephanie Larrison

Dung-Lan Chen

Linh Chang

Steve Selleck

Dwayne Swigert

Lisa Maybury

Susanne Gill

Heather McMillan

Lucinda Williams

Susie Skowronek

Jackie Magagnosc

Martina Schildt

Suzanne Mangrum

Jean Pajerek

Nick Hardebeck

Suzette Caneda

Joe Reimers

Okay Okonkwo

Sven Thomsen

Juleah Swanson

Peter Breternitz


Julie Stauffer

Peter Sbrzesny

Victoria Anderson




  • Housekeeping

  • Business -

    • Seek feedback on the want/need for functionality like "Save & keep editing" or similar (Joseph Reimers)

    • If time allows, continue to discuss Implementers Topics or discuss specific question(s) SIG members want to seek input about

 Discussion topics












  • Housekeeping -

    • FYI (for those who recently upgraded to Quesneslia) - in case someone in your library encounters error messages "Error: server down" or "server not found" - clear browser's cache & cookies (see jira ticket STCOR-896).

      • :07Recommended to log out each time/day.  

    • Reminder - "GOBI integration" related demo/show & tell is schedule for next Tuesday, Oct. 29th, at 1 pm EST

    • Reminder - Feel free to reach out to suggest topics you'd like to have discussions about in Acquisitions SIG

    • Next meeting - Friday, Oct. 25th, at 9 am EST 


‘Save and continue’ or 'save and keep editing. '


  • Seek feedback on the want/need for functionality like "Save & keep editing" or similar (Joseph Reimers)

  • Inventory has ‘save and keep editing’ or ‘save and close’. Orders does not have this ‘save and keep editing’ function.

  • Question: Is the ability to save changes as you are working valuable, and if so, looking for use cases and approaches that make sense to people.

    • Aaron: There are a lot of required fields in orders, if this feature was available it would be useful to be able to save an incomplete record before continuing to work on it.

    • Kimberly Smith (MTSU) 12:12 PM
      What happens in the JIRA example if the browser suddenly closes? Joe: when you restore, Jira will remember.

    • Susanne Gill (BVB) 12:14 PM
      Use case: You get fill out the order form and have to ask some thing about Budget or so. So there it would be great if you could save & Keep editing.

    • Martina: Discussions in app interaction in 2023, created a ticket Martina Schildt 12:14 PM
      UXPROD-4506: UI changes to "save" buttonOpen Do we want to have automatic saves and there were a lot of discussions for pros and cons. The UXPROD 4506 has results of a survey that was done at the time for the different save options.

      • No development team had picked this up, but is maybe helpful to this discussion.

      • Joe: This is very helpful and will remind Kahila that this is here.

      • Stephanie Larrison 12:18 PM
        Good point Martina.  Edit is implied if "Save" is presented along side of "Save & Close".

      • Sara Colglazier: I like having the ‘save and close’, and ‘save and open order’ buttons in orders.

        • Joe: Is the drop down an acceptable option?

        • Sara: As long as the option is there

    • Jackie Magagnosc 12:14 PM
      It seems to me that a save and keep editing function would be useful in any place where you are completing complicated edits. Somewhere in JIRA their should be an issue for save and continue editing in Inventory Holdings.

  • Joe: In Organizations, when trying to create an new organization, when you go to add a contact, a pop up comes up with an option to ‘close without saving'. If this is chosen, it will close the entire record without saving, losing all the work you did before this point in the organization record.

    • Martina: Would like to add it like integration details

    • Susanne Gill (BVB) 12:23 PM

    • Sabrina Bayer 12:23 PM

  • Joe, there is a need to have a button for ‘save and keep working’. and adding logic that would allow for information to be saved even if all required fields are not filled in.

  • Aaron: Would need someway to know when a record is incomplete.

  • Joe: Add a safeguard that a record can’t be opened without all the required fields filled out.

  • Pamplin, Kimberly B 12:30 PM
    Maybe it could say "- Draft" or something like that?

  • Sara: Would love a ‘Draft’ status for invoice!

  • Sara Colglazier 12:32 PM
    I like Draft status!

    Daniel Huang, Lehigh University 12:32 PM
    I also like the idea of a status called Draft


Implementers Topic #150


  • Implementers Topic #150

  • In Receiving App → Expected accordeon → Actions → Receive

    Is it possible to have this box checked by default if there is only one piece to receive?

  • image-20241022-173958.png

  • Joe: Will right it up and the development team can tell us if it’s possible.


Implementers Topic #151


  • Implementers Topic #151

  • Orders Search - open single result; close pane for multiple hits

  • In Inventory when a search produces only one result, the record is opened automatically. (See UIIN-58 Closed ). A good example of this is when searching with an instance HRID. When a search is performed while a record is open, it will either open the record for the new search match or in the case of multiple results it will close the third pane to allow the user a full view of all search results. This saves the user time and clicks when searching. Orders does not function in the same manner, requiring the user to click into or out of records.

    Is there any way this can be recreated in the Orders and Order Lines searches? 

    We are in Nolana, but I have tested this in Quesnalia BugFest as well. 

  • Aaron: For just orders, or include order lines?

    • Preferably both.

  • Martina Schildt 12:42 PM

  • Sara Colglazier 12:43 PM
    And the closing of the third pane would be great! Have accidently worked in the 3rd pane thinking it was one title, when it was another….

    • Plus 5

  • Pamplin, Kimberly B 12:44 PM
    I didn't think about it when writing the topic, but this could be applicable to Invoices as well.

    • Multiple people agreed with this as well

  • Sara Colglazier 12:46 PM
    Besides Invoices, also Receiving. I think it happens there as well.




  • Question for the group:

    • A few years ago had one time money they purchase a couple of databases for. At the time, thought they'd be paying annual access fee. Because the original order was with encumbered money that is no longer available, it doesn’t let her add an invoice on the original po.

      • Kimberly Smith (MTSU) 12:50 PM
        Would you consider changing the fund on the original POL?

      • Scott Perry 12:50 PM
        When we do this we often just change the fund on the invoice line.

      • Kimberly Smith: Did you rollover encumbrances?

        • Dung Lan: There is nothing to rollover

      • Kimberly Smith: When we have these sorts of issues, where it wont let us do anything, its usually some sort of false encumbrance that was created based on the previous activity in that pol and it seizes up our ongoing lines.

      • Stephanie Larrison 12:52 PM
        Can you add a new POL line to the same PO but just for the access fee using the correct fund?

      • Maybe even change the fund distribution to zero for the old fund, and 100% on the new fund….

 Action items


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