2024-11-22 Acquisitions Meeting notes
Nov 22, 2024
Aaron Neslin | Kathleen Norton | Owen Stephens |
Amy Vonder Haar | Kimberly Pamplin | Peter Breternitz |
Daniel Welch | Kimberly Smith | Sara Colglazier |
Dennis Bridges | Kimberly Wiljanen | Sarah Kees |
Dung-Lan Chen | Kristin Martin | Scott Perry |
Heather McMillan | Lauren Seney | Susanne Gill |
Heiko Schorde | Lisa Maybury | Sven Thomsen |
Jean Pajerek | Lisa Smith | Sylvia Hamann |
Joe Reimers | Masayo Uchiyama | Timothy Nelson |
Housekeeping -
Reminder - POs have conflicts that they are available for the first half hour of Friday meetings
Please have a look at the invoice adjustments doc that Molly Driscoll drafted for Ramsons documentation & provide feedback by Dec. 2nd if possible (see her original post in Acq. SIG Slack channel on Nov. 21st)
Next meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 26th, at 1 pm EST
Business -
Discuss topics POs may have
Possibly discuss Implementers Topics #153 if POs didn't have something specific they'd like to discuss
Open discussions after PC Update if anyone has topics/questions to discuss with the group
PC Update (Kristin Martin) - The PC has been reviewing new functionality plans for FOLIO
We approved the new functionality for the Claiming App.
November 21: review and discussion of Reading Room Circulation functionality (not to be confused with Reading Room patron access)
November 14: discussion around the Linked Open Data SIG, which was a subgroup of Metadata Management, and is now its own SIG.
Homeage: Linked Data
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| Housekeeping |
:05 |