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:00 | Housekeeping | Dung-Lan | Housekeeping - Bindery UAT currently is not running yet (details see - Ramsons UAT - Bindery Support) Thank you for participating!! Next meeting, Tuesday, July 16th at 1 pm Eastern
| Briefing acq-sig-topics voting results so far and discuss what worked and/or didn't work & collect your thoughts/feedback Not many people voted. Although looking at it today, more have voted since Dennis last looked at it. Was worried if there wasn’t enough votes/enough engagement then it wouldn’t really reflect the communities wants/needs. Joe: 54 issues have a vote Martina: For the GBV team, went through and voted as a team. So 200 institutions did their votes as 1. Joe Reimers (EBSCO) 12:12 PM The top vote-getter is NOT in acq-sig-topics Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:14 PM Can you add a link to this list? Post the link. This is not what I looked at before. Joe Reimers (EBSCO) 12:14 PM Joe Reimers (EBSCO) 12:15 PM Removed the team restriction https://folio-org.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=12805 Dung-Lan Chen 12:17 PM https://folio-org.atlassian.net/issues/UXPROD-4589?filter=12660
Martina: It’s difficult to know when new tickets are added and know when to go back in to vote. Kristin: Agreed with Martina; Don’t know an easy way to tell what I already voted for and what I still need to vote for. Not sure if some she didn’t vote for were because she didn’t see it as a priority, or has she not seen it yet. Martina Schildt | VZG 12:26 PM Is there anything you would want to change? Discussion on how to get more people to vote, and to give it more time for people to get in there and vote. Pamplin, Kimberly B 12:33 PM One extra thought, it looks like there is a way to create a subscription on a filter which could send emails and maybe help as a reminder. Pamplin, Kimberly B 12:34 PM If you use created >= "-7d" (input number of days) - this would help limit it to new ones. Dennis: Can someone right up a page on how to vote.
:37 | Rollover | Dennis | Rollover: You can assign a fund distribution and expense class (or many of them) to a pol. Based on that fund and expense class, an encumbrance is made for the current year when the po is opened. At rollover, it’s unclear what users expect to happen to the pol if the expense class is inactive. It will be an error in rollover, so you go to the pol and change the expense class, it would create a new encumbrance for the current year for that expense class, is that the expectation everyone has? Discussed use case for Bulk Edit expense classes
:48 | Discuss the calculation of over encumbered and over expended and how we could clarify those values in the UI (Dennis Bridges) | Dennis | Separating the expended amount and the credited amount. wireframe Would you find it valuable to show the over encumbrance limit in the currency? (Dollars, euros…) Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:53 PM What happens if I’ve spent 9000? Dennis: If you have the ‘enforce limits’ button active, you would no longer be able to process invoices. Current allowable encumbrance percentage is based on the total funding.