2024-06-11 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2024-06-11 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Jun 11, 2024


Aaron Neslin

Julie Stauffer

Sabrina Bayer

Alex DelPriore

Kathleen Norton

Sara Colglazier

Alissa Hafele

Kimberly Pamplin

Sara Luttrell

Ann Crowley

Kimberly Smith

Sarah Kees


Kimberly Wiljanen

Scott Perry

Anne Campbell

Kristin Martin

Shelley Doljack

Daniel Huang

Lauren Seney

Susanne Gill

Daniel Welch

Linh Chang

Susie Skowronek

Dennis Bridges

Lori Dutka

Suzette Caneda

Dung-Lan Chen

Lucinda Williams

Sven Thomsen

Dwayne Swigert

Mary Moran

Sylvia Hamann

Heather McMillan

Okay Okonkwo

Timothy Nelson

Heiko Schorde

Paivi Rentz

Victoria Anderson

Joe Reimers

Peter Sbrzesny



Current: Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Housekeeping -

Business -

  • Second session on FYRO (first one was held on Friday, May 24th)


 Discussion topics












  • Housekeeping

  • Reminder - Routing lists UAT is currently running thru this Friday, June 14th.  Thank you for participating in the UAT!!

  • Next meeting, Tuesday, June 18th, at 1 pm Eastern

  • Joe: There will be another UAT for bindery support coming in early July


Fiscal Year Rollover - continued conversation

Slack Question from Sue Newberry:

Hi again, from the National Library of Australia.  After an early morning trouble shooting our overnight upgrade of Production to Poppy, I'm not keen on a late night as well, will miss the midnight meeting tonight (the morning for y'all), but will watch the recording.  I've got a couple more questions which I will put here - I don't mind if they are dealt with here or at the meeting:

  1. I know the FYRO does not look at the POL payment status.  Does it look at the PO status in the first instance - Open, Closed, Pending?  If so, does it ignore Pending orders since money on these orders has not yet been encumbered?  We have a lot of migrated pending orders that we would prefer not to rollover.

  2. As a National Library we receive a lot of material as legal deposit (free).  We make POs, with $0, for this material as a way of record keeping. We have about 4000 open ongoing subscription POs for $0 with the re-encumber box ticked.  None of these orders will ever have any money on them, they will always be zero.  With Re-encumber ticked, the FYRO will process them even though we don't need it to - is it worth trying to bulk untick the re-encumber box via the back end so they don't slow down the FYRO process.  Or should we just leave them ticked as they are?  Is there any reason not to untick them?  Or would it be a pointless exercise - especially given change coming in Quesnelia which would roll them anyway I think?

  3. Encumbrance Script - if you are hosted, do you get your host to run it, or do you run it yourself?  I notice the instructions say it can be done as a dry run - does a dry run produce a useful log for review?

That's all my questions for the moment.  I will post more when I think of them.  Thanks in advance for any and all feedback.  If I have insomnia tonight I will attend the meeting, but probably not.

Hi all, I just watched the recording from last Friday's meeting about FYRO.  Thank you for discussing my questions.  We will happily ignore our Pending orders, as it sounds like they should not trouble us.  I'm a bit undecided about the $0 orders, whether or not to untick re-encumber - they do all use funds, as we have funds for gifts, donations and legal deposits.  I'm not sure if unticking the box and not re-encumbering would effect reporting in some way in future fiscal years, if we were using funds in the query somehow.   I also found the discussion of expense classes interesting - we have 108 expense classes, spread across our 85 funds, and just the one ledger - so I will be interested to see if they cause us any problems in the rollover.


Sara: If you want a budget with a pol, you have to have it at least encumbered at zero dollars.

Dennis: Our current approach weve been taking is to make sure where you might expect an order to be encumbered, there is an encumbrance transaction. If you have applied a fund code to a po, and the po is opened, it would have an encumbrance transaction. If the value is zero, it would have a value of zero.

There is also a status of encumbrance transactions, they can be unreleased, or release. Any released encumbrance will have a value of zero, regardless of what the original dollar amount was. At rollover, if you do not check the re encumber, then the system will roll that order encumbrance over.

Scott Perry 12:08 PM
I think there is a fund associated with the POL but not a budget transaction.

Sara Colglazier: So it has to do with the release and unreleased aspect of this, whether it’s $0 or not. Would find it helpful is if in Finance. in looking at transactions, I could look for things that are unreleased. By using a filter. Going back to Sue’s question, I do find it helpful to have the $0 to roll. It makes a difference though if it’s one time orders or ongoing. With one time, you've paid for it, but hasn’t been received yet. If you don’t uncheck the encumbrance, it will show up in orders that rollover because never received all the issues. The only way it will roll and stay open is if I don’t tick that box.

Dung-Lan Chen 12:17 PM
100% + to what Sara just mentioned about having a filter for "unreleased"

Dennis: Sounds like it would be valuable to add more nuance here. Right now, two options. You can leave re encumber active (checked) and change value to 0. You’ll end up with an encumbered transaction every year that is $0 and unreleased. Or, leave the value of the order, un check the re encumber toggle, and at rollover an encumbrance transaction is still created, and the encumbrance is released so it would not count against your budget. But the only way you would know if it was still not received is in the receiving status.

Dennis: Does rollover care about the payment status” The payment status will not impact whether an encumbrance is created or not., that is impacted by the purchase order status of open, closed, or pending.

Dennis Bridges 12:35 PM
Please add comments/use cases for search improvements in orders to the following feature https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-3088



Sara C

  • In preparing for FY rollover looks at open orders. Would like to, when looking at the order line segment, would like to to see po status. Wants to be able to use the combination of open orders and the other filters. They are currently “or”, and not 'and”. No way to see see open AND one time orders.

  • Shelley Doljack 12:29 PM
    They can’t be AND if payment status is one field.

  • Dennis: If you export, then you can filter the csv file. But I understand you want to be able to do it in the interface. We do have a feature for this, and the more stories we collect the more justification we have to take the time to implement.

  • Discussion on how the data is loaded into a spreadsheet.

    • Kimberly Pamplin 12:35 PM
      Is that maybe because of split funds?

      Scott Perry 12:36 PM
      That's what I think.

    • Joe Reimers (EBSCO) 12:36 PM
      They're components of an 

      Shelley Doljack  to  Everyone 12:36 PM
      But couldn’t a PO line have multiple fund distributions, which is probably why they are lumped in one field.

      Shelley Doljack 12:37 PM
      It’s because you can’t take a complex data model and put it in one row. 😁


Questions from Susanne Gill


  • Susanne Gill: Suggestion to have progress bar for the roll over so we can see the progress.

    • Dennis: There is one, but it’s not granular enough. The best way to address this is to make the progress bar that appears over the top of the ledger view, to actually count all the orders that need to be updated.

  • Shelley Doljack 12:40 PM
    Maybe periodic email of status would be better than a progress bar. Something like, x of y orders rolled over … etc.

  • Susanne Gill: Question: Want to be able to delete fund.

    • Dennis: You have a fund that has a budget with some transactions against it. And the get rolled over.

      • If budget is inactive, then a new budget will not be created. If it’s frozen, then a new budget will be created.

  • Ann Crowley 12:44 PM
    Should it be marked inactive vs frozen?

  • Sarah Kees (UB Mainz) 12:47 PM
    Folio documentation says: Select the status of the fund: Active, Frozen, or Inactive. Active means the fund is ongoing, Frozen means the fund has been put on pause, and Inactive means the fund is no longer in use.


Questions from Stanford


  • Alex DelPrire: Have been doing rollover testing for the last few weeks.

  • Main ledger has been encountering issue

    • Any of the main options checked on the rollover setting enforcing the encumbrance or expenditure limits will either cause a failure, or more often, it has the rollover job in the log stuck on the ‘in progress’ status. Internal logs are showing a database error. A temp table that the process creates doesn’t exist. He did open a Jira ticker. One thing they do differently from other libraries on campus is to assign expense classes.

  • Ann Crowley 12:52 PM
    Do the PO cross ledgers?

  • Dennis: This one is probably going to require some specific investigation. Looks like it is being reviewed, Mikita just made a comment and suggestions on the ticket.

  • Shelly Doljack: First year doing rollover. How do we rollback if it fails in the middle?

    • Ann Crowley: We had to have the system reset last year.

    • Shelly: Just the finance, or the whole database?

    • Ann: I am thinking just finance? But I really don’t know.

  • Shelly: Do people turn off access to folio while this is running?

    • Ann: We ask the other acq units to not do any processing until we open the new budget. But circulation, cataloging… are still working.

      • Susanne Gill (BVB) 1:01 PM
        but we asked dennis to get a "shut the others out" function :-)





 Action items
