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:00 | Housekeeping | Dung-Lan | Housekeeping - Reminder - this Friday's meeting (July 5th) is cancelled due to extended 4th of July holiday Next meeting - Tuesday, July 9th, at 1 pm Eastern
| Kristin
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:05 | | Joe | Thunderjet back log analysis UXPROD-3936 Show in receiving that there is a title level request on a receiving title. Current situation or problem: The receiving app should display that the instance has unfulfilled requests, as it currently does. Now there is no indication that the received item should be handled with urgency. It must first be checked in, which we normally don't do with newly received items as we want them to keep status In process. Use case(s) The receiving app should display that the instance has unfulfilled requests, as it currently does. Now there is no indication that the received item should be handled with urgency. It must first be checked in, which we normally don't do with newly received items as we want them to keep status In process. Sara: This would be really helpful in the 5 colleges. Since there are 5 campuses, if there are multiple campuses that have an order, then the first one to come in can be directed to the priority. Martina Schildt | VZG 12:10 PM Agree, it would be very helpful to have this - but not the highest priority for us Joe: This will stay in the back log, as there is interest but not a high priority.
:13 | UXPROD-4356 | | UXPROD-4356 Restrict fiscal year rollover permissions by acquisitions unit Current situation or problem: User with permissions to run fiscal year rollover can roll over ledgers of any acquisitions unit as long as they can view the ledger details and access the action menu. For certain systems that divide Financial responsibility by acquisition unit this could result in rollovers being executed on the wrong ledgers by the wrong users. Proposed solution/stories Restrict access to rollover functionality based on the acq unit of the user and ledger. User must share an acq unit that grants edit permissions for that ledger to be able to run rollover. Sara: I don’t see anyone doing this for me and don’t consider this a high priority. Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:15 PM Not a high priority to us. We’re centralized for FYRO. Ann Crowley 12:15 PM We are centralized at Cornell also Martina Schildt | VZG 12:17 PM Not a requirement for us Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:17 PM +1 Sara - not a high priority Alissa Hafele 12:17 PM (Edited) Stanford would also not prioritize. Sara: I can understand for consistency sake, it makes sense. And we use Acquisitions units, but this functionality would be a super low priority. Joe: Will not put in the ‘not needed column’, maybe put in the tech debt column as a P4.
:22 | UXPROD-4360 | | UXPROD-4360 Receive all pieces for a POL Current situation or problem: It is possible to set the receipt status of a POL to fully received when there are still pieces to be received. In scope Receive all pieces when changing POL receipt status to "Fully received" Proposed solution/stories Set status of all pieces to received when changing POL receipt status to "Fully received" Sara: This seems to be talking about a one time order. For ongoing orders this would play out differently. Dennis: Yes, it’s one time order. Would need more detail here. Would library’s still value having a workflow where you want to pay and have everything set to receive at the same time? Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:28 PM In situations where we prepaid, I close the one-time POs prior to FYRO with custom user's choice, and note that receiving is expected on closed record. Sara: We need to be able to receive against closed orders. Joe: Will say this one is not needed, but should do further analysis on alternative approaches.
:35 | UXPROD-4499 | | UXPROD-4499 Allow user to convert POL to Package POL while in open status. Description - This is a draft feature that was created to identify a potential gap in FOLIO functionality. Users should feel free to comment here and add use cases or other related information that will help move the analysis and refinement of this issue forward. Currently orders lines can not be converted to Packages when needed Sara: Also allows for title changes. Consider implications of inventory lookup for Instance (title warning if disconnecting title from Instance record.) Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:37 PM +1 Sara - this would be nice for adding existing titles to packages when needed. And having the ability to update the package title would be appreciated! Aaron Neslin 12:37 PM wrote this up as UIOR-1262: Retro fit a POL as a Package to handle Name Change Open
:40 | Status update on the discussions to prioritize the features on the backlog jiras | | Status update on the discussions to prioritize the features on the backlog jiras We have validated 18 features, ones we want to keep in the backlog. We have identified 6 features as no longer needed. 4 that we recognize as a problem, but have resolved in a different manner. Some have been considered tech debt 12 that Joe and Dennis need to look at more closely.
:43 | | | PC will look at the voting of the Acq-Sig topics, and want to discuss our experience of the process. Martina: If you have feedback, please post feedback on how you think the process went, if you haven’t voted, discuss why not…. Council meeting will be on July so please provide feedback prior to that.
:48 | | | Sara: Did rollover yesterday, thought it went well, but then discovered we now have thousands of encumbrances for closed po’s at $0. We thought we had run all the scripts, but found out we hadn’t. So advice for others, make sure all the fixed scripts are run before doing rollover. Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:50 PM We are still in Orchid and will roll over July 15th - after our 2nd University closing. (And financial scripts are scheduled to be done the weekend before.) Sara Colglazier 12:51 PM Just make sure/confirm that they were run for sure. Dennis: I think there is a script that goes to closed orders and releases encumbrances. Changes made in the Q release seemed to address the majority of the reasons scripts were released.