2024-11-08 Ascquisitions Meeting notes

2024-11-08 Ascquisitions Meeting notes


Nov 8, 2024


Ann Crowley

Kathleen Norton

Okay Okonkwo

Daniel Welch

Kimberly Pamplin

Owen Stephens

Dennis Bridges

Kimberly Wiljanen

Peter Breternitz

Dung-Lan Chen

Kristin Martin

Robert Heaton

Dwayne Swigert

Linh Chang

Sara Colglazier

Heather McMillan

Lisa Maybury

Scott Perry

Heiko Schorde

Lisa Smith

Susie Skowronek

Jackie Magagnosc

Lucinda Williams

Sven Thomsen

Jamie Jesanis

Martina Schildt

Timothy Nelson

Joe Reimers

Mary Moran


Julie Stauffer

Masayo Uchiyama




 Discussion topics












  • Housekeeping -

    • Reminder - voting/prioritizing acq-sig-topics

    • Reminder - we always welcome topic suggestions for Acq SIG meetings (reach out via Slack or during meetings)

    • Next scheduled meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 1 pm EST

  • Kristin Martin brought up a question from the previous meeting about being able to import invoice data and marc records, and how it wasn’t built out. It is on our implanters list, no.99, but it’s not tagged.

  • Joe requested to make importing invoices a meeting topic for the future as he has lots of questions.




Dennis: Bug fest - working on locking in scope for what they can accomplish for Sunflower. Will also release highlights of the current release. Will be focusing on bugfest over the next couple of weeks, then release notes on the highlights of the release. Then will talk about the features they locked in for sunflower.

There are a large number of test cases and the community would appreciate all the help with test cases they can get. Only 32% of cases have been claimed.



Kimberly Pamplin

  • BugFest Overview (special thanks to Kimberly Pamplin)

  • Kimberly Pamplin demonstrated how to test and what the testing environment looks like

  • Owen Stephens 8:19 AM
    From a PO perspective - knowing exactly where the test failed and how it failed is incredibly valuable as it saves a lot of time
    So please include that in your report if at all possible 🙂

  • Martina Schildt 8:21 AM
    Thank you @Pamplin, Kimberly B 🙏

  • Okay Okonkwo 8:21 AM
    Excellent, Kimberly. A lot of useful information

  • Pamplin, Kimberly B 8:22 AM
    Absolutely! Please feel free to reach out.


Product Council




Kimberly Smith

Question: Migrated to Q a couple of weeks ago, when exporting invoices the external account number is not carrying the expense class extension. Has anyone else seen this?

Sara Colglazier: Been in Q since Oct and not had any questions from AP

Susie Skowronek 8:35 AM
I am not seeing that problem, but I've had issues when applying filters in other ways.

Sara: Has anyone else seen a problem with credits in Q that she asked about in slack?

  • No one responded

Susie Skowronek: Normally with CSV export you'll see each invoice line but once I apply a filter, and it’s not all filters, but it will just show the total invoice cost and will say that invoice has zero. Filtered by fund and expense class. And the filter displayed data that wasn’t supposed to be there.

Susie pulled a report and showed how some fields were repeated. The AX column was the one that did not add the external account code added.

Scott Perry (UChicago) 8:46 AM
I can confirm that it is correctly present in Poppy. With the expense class extension (preceded by a -).

Kimberly Pamplin: Looks like the duplicate columns are for the invoice line instead of the invoice level.




Susie Skowronek: Went to use an order template, material type field, that field would only occasionally fill in when using the template. Anytime I said to auto create a new line, the scroll line bar what start in the middle of the order line . Anyone else experience this?

Sara C: Not the template, but jumping into the middle of the screen yes.

Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:51 AM
I've noticed the 'create more' button starting the next record mid-screen.

Discussion on which browser to use.

Susie Skowronek 8:51 AM
we do use chrome

Owen Stephens 8:52 AM
Chrome is the recommended browser for Folio





Dung Lan Notices that PO numbers are skipping a lot of numbers when creating multiple PO’s back to back

Lisa Smith, Mich State 8:54 AM
We've noticed & reported that our voucher numbers are skipping numbers for some reason.

Scott Perry (UChicago) 8:54 AM
I just exported invoices from the invoices app in our test Quesnalia environment and see the same behavior as Kimberly was describing.  Also there are now quote marks around the value that weren’t present in Poppy. I wonder if this change was documented anywhere?

Kimberly Smith (MTSU) 8:55 AM
That is what I was wondering.

Pamplin, Kimberly B 8:55 AM
The export issue is present in BugFest Quesnalia as well. This can be used as an example to report out and show it is a wider issue: https://bugfest-quesnelia.int.aws.folio.org/invoice?fundCode=57c5b01a-7eef-449a-ac80-ffc7739958f1&limit=50&offset=0

Scott Perry (UChicago) 8:55 AM
If you are importing this into something else in any automated way the addition of the quotes presents an issue.

 Action items


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