Bug Fest R2 2024 Ramsons - non-ECS

Bug Fest R2 2024 Ramsons - non-ECS

Bugfest Test Environment

Quesnelia bug fest environment update will be triggered two times a day(based on the availability of new releases):

  1. 2:00 am ET
  2. 10:00 am ET


Non-ECS (folio|folio) :
bugfest - https://bugfest-ramsons.int.aws.folio.org/
bugfest-plus https://bugfest-ramsons-plus.int.aws.folio.org/

ECS (ecs_admin|admin) :

Please Note: Create/use your user for testing activities

Test Environment Preparation wiki 

Ramsons release schedule




Add test cases for the Ramsons release 

QA Team

Oct 25th, Friday

Folio module releases

Dev Teams

 Oct 31st,  Thursday

BugFest kick-off meeting

Yogesh Kumar

Oct 30th, Wednesday

Claim test cases

Testing Community

Oct 31st, Thursday - November 8th,Friday

Complete BugFest system

Kitfox DevOps Team

November 6th, Wednesday

Bug Fest

Testing Community

Product Owners

November 11th, Monday - November 29th, Friday

Bug Fixing

Dev Teams

November 29th - December 5th

Ramsons (R1 2024) release becomes GA

Exec Team

December 16th, Monday 

BugFest Goals

  1. Execute the complete test plan (see the scope table below). A list of test cases can be found in the Bugfest: R2 2024 Ramsons
  2. 100% of test cases with Smoke, Critical or Extended High priority should be completed
  3. Add test case descriptions and steps if they are missing

Kick-off Meeting Links

Bug Fest Instructions for Testing Community

  1. We use the TestRail application to edit test cases, assignments, and status execution. Folio Bug fest Project under https://foliotest.testrail.io
    1. Helpful Resources page has links to training videos to help complete Bug Fest tasks.
    2. The similarly named section on the Helpful Resources page outlines the test case claim process.
    3. Review Kick-off meeting links when necessary. 
  2. R Release Test Run  contains test cases assigned to this Bug Fest. (Useful link: all test cases are sorted by priority, then set the filter to "Untested" to find unclaimed ones)

    1. Priorities can be seen on the right side. Our approach is to claim/execute tests in the following order. Smoke, Critical Path, and then Extended.
    2. Since many tests are in Extended, we recommend running Extended as a high priority first. 
      1. To get extended high-priority tests - Click on the right side for Extended and Select in the Filter bar, select, Prioritization = Critical and High
      2. For Extended low priority, please filter Priortization = Medium and Low
  3. Please use the folio user login to create a user with the desired permissions you will use for testing. Don't use the "folio" user to run test cases.
  4. The system has preconfigured users and permission sets. 
  5. Please use the deliverable email address when creating your user account 
  6. FOLIO supports only Chrome as an internet browser. Please test in Chrome unless a test case description gives you specific instructions. 
  7. Please review Bugfest testing details table and Known Issue table on this page
  8. Failed test cases:
    1. Testers don't file defects in Jira
    2. When a test case fails, a tester creates a comment in Test Rail for this test case and assigns this test case to a Product Owner. See Scope table below with list of POs assigned to app or module. Include screenshots are very helpful. 
  9. Please use Slack channel #bug-fest for all Bug Fest related communications
  10. A retrospective meeting will be scheduled after the Bug Fest week.
  11. List of participants: Folio Testing Community.
    1. Add yourself to the list if you want to participate in future BugFest events.
    2. Remove yourself from the list if you no longer want to participate.

Bug Fest Instructions for Product Owners 

To include a test case in the Bug Fest test run - set the "Test Group" field to:

  • Smoke
  • Critical Path
  • Extended

To remove the test case from the Bug Fest test run - set the "Test Group" field to:

  • Draft
  • Obsolete
  • Automated

View more detailed instructions in the Bugfix section of this page.

  1. Throughout the day, monitor failed test cases in your areas.
  2. For each failed test case, the Product Owner reviews the problem, creates a Jira bug, and links it to TestRail
    1. To link Jira bug to test case: 
      1. Select test case
      2. Click "Add Result" button
      3. Enter Jira ID into Defects field (for example, UIU-999).  Don't use URL format.
      4. Click "Save" button
    2. Use the mandatory label bugfest_R2.2024 for all logged defects.
    3. Use label regression if the functionality was working in the prior release
    4. Set the Release field to  "Ramsons R2 2024 Bug Fix" if the bug must be fixed before Q2 2024 GA deadline. 
    5. Use the following Jira statuses to track bug progress:  





Awaiting bugfix release

Indicates the item needs a bugfix/hotfix release to be created


Confirmed an issue in folio-snapshot

Awaiting bugfix deployment

Indicates release containing bug fix is ready to deploy to BugFest environment

Lead Maintainer

Creates a module patch release from one or more PR

In bugfix review

Indicates the bug fix has been deployed to BugFest and is ready to test

Release Coordinator

or QA Lead  

Requests and verifies deployment of a module patch release to Bug Fest


PO or tester

Verifies fix in Bug Fest

  1. Also monitor the Bugfest dashboard in JIRA for any bugs filed in your area (some testers and other POs may file bugs and we want to make sure we triage them, as well).
  2. Assign a priority to your bugs according to the defect priority scheme - /wiki/spaces/DQA/pages/2657909
  3. Select a development team and notify the PO lead for the team so they can get development started
  4. Follow the bug fix process outlined
  5. Quesnelia R1 2024 Dashboard

Test Case Priority

Test cases that have Critical and High priority should be claimed first. Test Rail filter can be set to see test cases that have Critical or High priority.

PO & Team Info

FOLIO Module/JIRA project-Team-PO-Dev Lead responsibility matrix

Directory of Product Owners 

Bugfest testing details - Testers, please review

App / PODetails

eholdings app

(Khalilah Gambrell) 

  • Multi-KB testing may occur during bugfest. If you are unable to access eholdings app. Please
    • Go to Settings > eholdings 
    • If multiple KBs are setup then click Assigned Users on one of the KBs setup up and assigned yourself to that KB.  

Data import app

(Ryan Taylor) 

  • Data import file size limitations for Bugfest environment: 25,000 records maximum
  • Maximum number of records - File splitting: 1000 records per file 
Authority records (Khalilah Gambrell)
  • We need to mitigate the number of duplicates to support testing automated authority control. If you import any authority records, please use a job profile that includes a match profile to prevent duplicates. 
    • Use this job profile if your records have a 001: Update MARC authority records by matching 001 value
    • Use this job profile if your records have a 010: Update MARC authority records by matching 010 $a subfield value

Authority linking 

(Khalilah Gambrell) 

Lists app (Kathleen Moore)  
  • Depending on the query, may experience slow performance since this is a testing environment. 
    • Using the "contains" and "starts with" operators in queries may result in poor performance
    • Building and refreshing a list is asynchronous and you can perform other tasks in FOLIO while it runs. 
  • Please try to build lists based on your workflow.
  •  Users need to refresh newly created lists before they can see any list contents. 
  • If refresh is really slow, consider adding more query conditions.
Inventory > Call number browse 

There is a known issue with Ramsons call number browse and we are deferring test cases until a solution has been implemented. The main impact of this issue is that in specific scenarios, call numbers will not appear in the list.

Known Issues - Testers please review

key summary type priority status Development Release

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