Bug Fest Q1 2020

Bug Fest Q1 2020

Bug Fest Process and Important Dates:

Add test cases to Q1 2020 TestRail test runProduct Ownersby Sunday 3/15

Folio module releases 

Dev TeamsFriday 3/13
BugFest kick-off meetingTesting CommunityMonday 3/16

Subscribe to test cases 

Testing Community

from Monday 3/16 to Friday 3/20
Validate Bug Fest datasetProduct ownersfrom Monday 3/16 to Friday 3/20
Deploy FOLIO BugFest systemEBSCO Hosting Teamby Sunday 12/8 

Bug Fest 

Testing Community

Product Owners

Tuesday 3/23 to Monday 3/30

Triaging submitted defectsProduct Owners

Tuesday 3/23 to Monday 3/30

Fixing required bugs (P1 and P2 if possible)Dev Teamsby Monday 4/6
Go/no Go Meeting Exec TeamTuesday  4/7
Q1 release becomes GAExec TeamFriday 4/10

BugFest Goals

  1. Execute complete test plan (see the scope table below). List of test cases can be found in the test run: 
  2. 100% of test cases with Critical or High priority should be completed
  3. Add test case descriptions and steps if they are missing

Kick-off Meeting Info

Time: Mar 16, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 338 400 346

One tap mobile
+16468769923,,338400346#  US (New York)
+16699006833,,338400346# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 338 400 346
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aATvD7sch

Bug Fest Instructions

  1. We are using TestRail application for test case editing, assignments and execution tracking. https://foliotest.testrail.io
    1. Helpful Resources page has links to training videos that will help to complete Bug Fest tasks.
    2. Test case claim process is outlined in the similar named section in the Helpful Resources page
  2. The test run Bug Fest Q1 3/23/20 - 3/27/20 contains test cases that were assigned to this Bug Fest.

    Test Rail Warning - If you need to add a test case to test run

    Problem: While adding test cases to the existing Test Run original test case assignments are being reset.

    Solution: The actual issue here is if the full test run was assigned to a user, when it is edited again in the future the assign to field will default to that user being selected in the dropdown, and when saved will re-assign all tests within to that user. The trick to prevent that from occurring would be to make sure that the "assign to" field is not set to that user's name, but instead to the blank entry at the top of the selection. This will keep all assignments set to their current users when the edits are completed and saved.

  3. Folio URL to use: https://bugfest.folio.ebsco.com/
  4. Credentials: folio/folio. Please use this login to create a user with desired permissions that you will use for testing. Don't use "folio" user to run test cases.
  5. Please use deliverable email address for your user
  6. FOLIO supports only Chrome as internet browser. Please do you testing in Chrome unless a test case description gives you specific instructions. 
  7. Defects: 
    1. Testers
      1. Testers don't file defects in Jira
      2. When a test case fails, tester to create a comment in Test Rail for this test case and assign this test case to a Product Owner
      3. Product Owner replies to comment, reviews the problem, creates a Jira bug and links it to TestRail
    2. Product Owners
      1. Use mandatory label bugfest_q1.2020 for all logged defects.
  8. Slack channel - "bug-fest"
  9. Bug triage - we'll be triaging bugs daily to make sure that P1 and P2 bugs treated with the proper urgency and fixed before Q2 is out. This is done by Product Owners.
  10. Retrospective meeting will be scheduled after the Bug Fest week.
  11. List of participants: Folio Testing Community

Bug Fest Instructions for Product Owners 

  1. Throughout the day, monitor TestRail for failed test cases in your areas.
  2. File bugs, as applicable (generally speaking, POs are responsible for filing the bugs).
    1. Label bugs in JIRA with bugfest_q1.2020
    2. Link the JIRA bug to the failed test case in TestRail (in TestRail, open "Add result" modal window and add Jira id (not link) to the "Defect" field)
  3. Also monitor the Bugfest dashboard in JIRA for any bugs filed in your area (some testers and other POs may file bugs and we want to make sure we triage them, as well).
  4. Assign a priority to your bugs according to the defect priority scheme https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DQA/Defect+Priority+Definition 
    1. P1s and some P2s will require a Fameflower bugfix release.
    2. Issues that need a bugfix release should be labeled with q1-2020-bugfix
  5. Select a development team and notify the PO lead for the team so they can get development started (assuming a bugfix release is needed)
  6. Follow the bugfix process outlined here: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5210306

Test Case Priority

Test cases that have Critical and High priority should be claimed first. Test Rail filter can be set to see test cases that have Critical or High priority.

Scope Table

Section is out of BugFest Scope

ApplicationTest Cases

Reviewed by PO




Users - Patron BlocksYesYes

Users - SearchYes


Fees & FinesYesYes


Inventory - Search YesYes






Check inYes

Check outYes

Circulation → Loan PoliciesYes

Circulation → Loan RulesYes


Not configured at Bug Fest environment



(formerly Vendors)


Patron NoticesNO





Data Import


Data ExportNO

Magda Zacharska

Staff slipsCovered (at least to some extent) in Requests

Darcy Branchini
Settings > Locations

Settings > Service points

Cate Boerema (Deactivated)
Course ReservesYes

Kelly Drake