2024-12-03 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Dec 3, 2024


Aaron Neslin

Joe Reimers

Peter Breternitz

Alissa Hafele

Julie Stauffer

Peter Sbrzesny

Amy Vonder Haar

Kathleen Norton

Rachel Sneed

Ann Crowley

Kimberly Pamplin

Sabrina Bayer

Beverly Geckle

Kimberly Smith

Sara Colglazier

Catherine Tuohy

Kimberly Wiljanen

Shay Swindlehurst

Daniel Huang

Kristin Martin

Steve Selleck

Daniel Welch

Lisa Maybury

Susanne Gill

Dennis Bridges

Lisa Smith

Suzanne Mangrum

Dung-Lan Chen

Lucinda Williams

Sven Thomsen

Dwayne Swigert

Masayo Uchiyama

Sylvia Hamann

Heather McMillan

Molly Driscoll

Timothy Nelson

Heiko Schorde

Okay Okonkwo

Victoria Anderson

Jackie Magagnosc

Paivi Rentz



Housekeeping -

  • Ramsons bugfest extended thru Friday, Dec. 6th - still time to continue/complete testing cases

  • Upcoming UATs - Invoice version history and Organization version history to begin Dec. 9th and run thru Dec 13th

  • Next scheduled meeting - this Friday (Dec. 6th) at 9 am EST

Business -


 Discussion topics



