Joe created a new order. In cost details, have the option to to select your curreny.
Curreny is based on either the vendor curreny or the system default.
On the back end, an API call goes out to the European Central Bank to look for the current exchange rate. You can bypass this by using the set exchange rate. They have been looking into using exchange rate sources other than the Europen Central Bank.
Joe: Question: Is the use of the European Central Bank an issue, or would you prefer to use an alternate exchange rate source?
Peter Sbrzesny | VZG 12:14 PM EZB is fine for GBV
Sylvia Hamann 12:14 PM I'm from Frankfurt so ECB is fine with me ;-)
Okay (With TAMU)
We are required to use Wells Fargo
Joe: There are several possible approaches to take
Adding a setting within orders or invoices allowing the library to choose to use the European Central Bank or to configure an API on their own for their preferred site. Can foresee maintaining a wiki page that would have the correct setting for a variety of providers. Or does it make sense to code them in? Would you prefer to have it configurable for yourself or should we control the list?
Susanne Gill (BVB) 12:18 PM configurable by the user
Working on requirements for allowing library’s to share vender records, to reduce the number of vendor records in a system. Applies to consortia, but also may be relevant to a system that has (for example) a law library and a main library….
When it comes to vendor or organization data that you are capturing, are there aspects of it that should always be local, and aspects of it that are universal? Do you expect to be able to capture local data?
Julie Stauffer: Our account has been confused with another part of the university. It is important for shipping and billing addresses to be unique. Also have unique account numbers and different account reps.
Dung-Lan Chen 12:22 PM acct #, specific rep info should be local I feel.
Susanne Gill (BVB) 12:23 PM +1 for Julie
Peter Sbrzesny | VZG 12:24 PM Some agreements should be kept locally, e.g. discount rates
Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:24 PM also payment type could be different; ach v. physical check for the case of Mich State
At Michigan State Acq unit has a back door into our check writing system at the university level. So everything we put through that back door comes out as a physical check. The law library is going through purchasing and it could be the same vendor that would be getting an ACH payment. Different libraries have a different prefered payment.
Joe Reimers (EBSCO) 12:29 PM It's how checks get processed any more
Ann Crowley 12:30 PM At Cornell we have payments process as ACH or checks - depends on how the vendor is setup in the University system
Dennis: Those of you sharing one organization record across multiple libraries, do you have different contact people? Is it currently difficult to identify which one is relevant to your library?
Julie: In the past maintained different vendor codes. Currently working on combining them.
Sara: In the 5 colleges we have this issue, don’t share organization records. We are 5 different institutions with different API’s, Budgets, accounts… Can have multiple accounts within organization vendor records, but can’t have multiple accounting codes. They can see each others records. Interfaces for where to go for stats with log in information will be different for each library.
Julie: Looked up organizations in her system, have a shared organization for Gobi. There are probably over 50. Some are law accounts, you have to know your account number and look through the descriptions to know what this one represents. Law School subscription to West law is completely outside of FOLIO because it’s restricted to only their law students.
Dennis: How about integrations with EDI? Like with the Law library and the main library, are those managed separately?
Julie: All of ours there is only one. I can imagine though there are other situations where that is not the case.
Kristin Martin 12:43 PM We only EDI for invoices, not orders
Peter Sbrzesny | VZG 12:44 PM We would have separate EDI codes for each library
Sara: Because you use data import for EDI invoices, you set up your job profile within the settings accordingly. I don't see EDI invoicing as a problem.
Susanne Gill: For the orders, there will be different integrations for the EDI orders for different sub libraries.
Dennis: Currently can’t have two different integrations with the same account number.
Notes features in Organization records
Are there use cases for having library specific notes associated with an organization record?
Sara: 100%. Adding information about who you like to work with, or if you lost access, or make sure they get paid on time…
Dennis: So you may be adding notes you don’t necessarily want people from other libraries to see, or have to sift through? Do you want it to be a user specific note?
Sara: Will not be putting in anything unprofessional in the notes, it’s more about sifting through. Ex. Who is the best person to contact, and that can be different for each library.
Dennis: Are there notes (or Data) that is relevant to all libraries. Adding a note or contact person that everyone needs to be aware of?
Sara: They use Acquisitions Units. She can see how if Organizations you could add more than one Acquisitions Unit to it to indicate it’s a shared vendor.
Julie Stauffer 12:54 PM I expect this is an interface limitation, but it would be nice to conduct a search (Ctrl-F) of text in an organization record without needing to open up panels. E.g., that shared GOBI organization record that contains many accounts including some law library specific ones, there are very different results depending on the expansion of different sections.
Dennis: In receiving can now have different acq units for the POL, different acq unit for the receiving title… This may be a similar solution to what we can implement in Organizations.