Next scheduled meeting - This Friday, Nov. 8th, at 9 am EST
Business -
Part Two - "GOBI Integration" presentations/show & tell/Q & A
University of Chicago (Scott Perry) - postponed to a later meeting, date TBD
FIve Colleges (Sara Colglazier of Mount Holyoke)
Q & A with all the presenters
(Special thanks to Kimberly Smith, Clay Oldham, & Suzanne Mangrum at MTSU, Kristin Martin, Scott Perry & colleagues at University of Chicago and Sara Colglazier of Mount Holyoke College for sharing their experiences with the SIG!!!)
Discussion topics
Housekeeping -
Scott is out today. Will reschedule his presentation for a later meeting.
Reminder - Ramsons Bug Fest coming up - Monday, Nov. 11th thru Friday, Nov. 29th. More info here
Please participate if you can as this is a larger one than normal.
Next scheduled meeting - This Friday, Nov. 8th, at 9 am EST
Product Council - would like to collect priorities from different SIGS from libraries that have implemented folio. Things that could get picked up but aren’t through other types of development work. They would like to create a Jira dash board. This will be a topic in in this weeks Thursday’s product council meeting and all SIG members are invited to the meeting if they’d like to come.
Note Topics 3-5 are of wide interest to this group and would be great if people would review them.
Five Colleges (Sara Colglazier of Mount Holyoke)
Discussed their implementation of GOBI’s integration with FOLIO.
There are 5 colleges, all in one tenant. All have own budget, own ordering… Because in 1 tenant had to agree on how we wanted the local fields to map for all of them.
In previous system, they each did everything different although shared the front end that de dupped records. When migrating to folio, decided they didn’t want to share all records.
Disabled Inventory interaction instance matching.
Orders are attached to MARC records, and don’t create folio source records.
Bring GOBI orders as pending, then work flow is to check based on ISBN or title look up, if there is already a record in Inventory. If so, grab the HR ID then go back and link the order.
If you don’t find one, import one from OCLC into Inventory then link up.
Don’t get cataloging records from YBP anymore, but with this can no longer have YBP apply call # labels.
Kristin Martin: Question: They are trying to increase our shelf ready. When they create a firm order, order will not have a bar code. They will be getting material that will be going straight into their automated storage/retrieval system,. For something to get ingested into ASR, it has to have a bar code.
Trying to find work arounds, would like to see if any other institutions this workflow with ASR’s?
Sara: Could the records have a dummy barcode?
Kristin: We have talked about it. Thinking about run data import twice, one that updates the item record first to add wither a real barcode or dummy one, then a second job would actually update the instance record.
Dennis: Who is generating the barcode?
Sometimes give the vendor the stickers, sometimes just the pattern they generate and add.
Sara: Can this be added to the receiving module? During the piece creation create a dummy barcode?
Dennis: Can we create the barcode immediately?
No, The vendor has the barcodes and will be adding it to the piece. We don't know which barcode will go on which piece.
Aaron Neslin 12:28 PM could it work with the number generator?
Dennis: We can generate it, but the existence of the actual sticker being placed on the piece is the problem. The number generator would just be a dummy number.
Juleah Swanson 12:31 PM FWIW - I initially had the barcode imported into FOLIO from a MARC field that presumably matched the barcode that was placed on the item...however I quickly stopped that when incorrect barcodes were in the MARC from what was on the item.
Kristin Martin: If anyone wants to follow up with her on this conversation please reach out to her.
:33 Suzanne Mangrum: Has the Invalid ISBN problem been solved? And is MARC with invoicing/ order ever happening?
Kristin Martin: Also turned off matching, haven’t regretted it. The duplication we might get is a lot less than the then ending up with orders associated with the wrong records.
Kristin Martin: Re: And is MARC with invoicing/ order ever happening? … Don't hold your breath.
:37 Dennis: When orders are created through Gobi, you turned off matching because?
Sara: In a single tenant with 5 different institutions plus some sub institutions they have complicated agreements around which records and Inventory they share and which they don't.
Discussed the different problems with matching records and invalid ISBN’s.
Dennis: In 2021 added Invalid ISSN as an identifier type to the POL to increase the potential matches between orders and inventory because in theory, you could have an invalid ISBN in your POL and still match with an Instance.
It’s not just Gobi that is using matching in the orders module.
Discussed how matching works when opening an order
Discussed problems/use cases of matching
No one on the call is using matching
Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:54 PM We turned it off as soon as it was possible to do so!
Suzanne: Catalogers want to be able to have protected fields.
Susanne Gill (BVB) 12:58 PM +1 for protected fields
Sara Colglazier: We have protected fields for when overlaying records.
Kristin Martin 1:00 PM You can protect with the $5
Sara Colglazier: Also note you can’t protect everything. I may fix something that can’t be protected, and if someone overlays a record the change I made would be lost.
Dennis: Sounds like we need to discuss this more, create a feature to refine record matching.